How to install cPanel and login to user panel
I have purchased an admin package Yesterday, and I have also purchased a hosting from vimexx and I have my login link. However, I still do not know how to get to the User Panel. I have been trying from yesterday and no one seems to be able to help me get to my user panel/file manager(screenshot attach).
I have tried installing cPanel & WHM via the terminal and even this failed . Could someone please help me out. Thanks in advance.
Hi cPRex, So I have successfully login to the SSH service from my terminal. However, when I tried to complete the installation of cPanel. I get the message: Warning: Failed to create the file latest: Permission denied. and curl: (23) Failed writing body (0 != 16384). Please let me know what could be the problem here. Thanks 0 -
Do you have full root access to the server? When you logged in to SSH, did you log in as username "root" or some other user? 0 -
No I think I logged in with something else, as I do not see any username as "root" in my terminal. It did bring me to the home directory however. 0 -
That is the issue then - cPanel can only be installed on a brand new operating system where nothing else exists. This requires full root access to the machine where you own the entire server, so if there is another user created that indicates you have a shared hosting plan of some sort where you aren't able to install cPanel. If you want to manage your own server and install cPanel you need to have at least a VPS system. 0 -
Oke, i will have to check this out tomorrow, to see if I can activate the VPS of the Host. 0 -
In general - cPanel is something that gets installed on an entire server you own, not on an individual account. The VPS isn't something you could activate, but it would be a different server type you could purchase. 0 -
Hi, I have purchased a VPS from my host in order to have full root access and to be able to install cPanel, however this will take another 4 working days before it is active. Do you have any suggestions for me so. I can login and get to the user panel as soon as I have the VPS up and working? Thank you Kind regards 0 -
Please i need help how to get my webmail account i use the site to buy a domain name and i do the /cpanel thing but still did'nt work out i need help 0 -
@neil62 - there isn't anything we can do on our side to make that go faster. Usually when a server is purchased, especially a VPS system, I would expect that to be available instantly. There isn't any reason it would take several days. You'll need to speak with your host for more details. @Benson111 - Wix doesn't use cPanel so I wouldn't expect that to work. If you wanted the full suite of cPanel tools, you should look into a shared hosting plan that uses the cPanel software. 0 -
@neil62 - are you logged in as the "root" user when running that command? 0 -
Hi cPRex, How can I see if I am signed in as root user. Because I do not see the word "root" in my display on my terminal. I am logged in with my user name which is a string of numbers and letters and my login link on the end. How can I log in as the root user? 0 -
That would indicate you aren't the root user. Was there a certain link the hosting provider gave you to access the machine through a browser? 0 -
no I did not get a link when I ordered the VPS to access the machine. So I order the VPS now I still cannot access my cPanel user interface?! 0 -
@neil62 there is not much anyone in these forums can do to help you, You must contact your hosting provider. 0 -
Yes, your host will be the best resource for this. In general, the process should go something like this: -order the VPS -get shell access to the server provided by the host -gain root access -install cPanel -access WHM to complete the server setup 0 -
Oke so my Hosting has confirmed that I do indeed have full root access. So it seems that's there is a step I am missing here. 0 -
Oke so my Hosting has confirmed that I do indeed have full root access. So it seems that's there is a step I am missing here.
Did they give you root password? If not it's possibe that the username you got is in sudoers group, and in that case you can set password for root like this: sudo passwd root you will be prompted to give the new root password 2 times. After that you can become root like this: su - give the root password and you are the root user.0 -
Hi cPRex, I have successfully installed cPanel & WHM through the terminal. But the linked I have received after the Installation through the terminal only bring me to the WHM interface. So how do I log into the cPanel interface manager? 0 -
Hi, I logged in Yesterday to WHM and I created an account on cPanel and stored the login details as root with auto-fill. However, today I am trying to log in to WHM and cPanel but I am getting the error response that : The login is invalid. Please let me know asap what could be the problem. I have also signed in as root via the terminal. So why is the website telling me that the login is not valid? 0 -
When you created the cPanel account you set the password for that, you can login to that cPanel account using it's username and password. You can NOT login to WHM using cPanel accoun't username and password. WHM is the control panel for the server, cPanel is the control panel for the cPanel account. You can connect to WHM using username root and root password. 0 -
Oke, good thanks I got in 0 -
Hello, I would like to enable Site Software, as I also see that the section for "Setup Python App" is no longer to be seen under the Software section in this new cPanel interface. However, I do need this. how else can I get an app created here? please let me know. 0 -
Hi cPanel support, So because I cannot find the "Setup Python App" on the new cPanel interface, I am not sure how I can upload my website to the server now. I need help in uploading my website to the server. could someone please help me out on how I must upload the files without the "Setup Python App". Thank you I will be awaiting your response. 0 -
When you created the cPanel account you set the password for that, you can login to that cPanel account using it's username and password. You can NOT login to WHM using cPanel accoun't username and password. WHM is the control panel for the server, cPanel is the control panel for the cPanel account. You can connect to WHM using username root and root password.
Hi cPanel support, I see that the section for "Setup Python App" is no longer to be seen under the Software section in this new cPanel interface. However, I do need this. how else can I get an app created on the server? please let me know. So because I cannot find the "Setup Python App" on the new cPanel interface, I am not sure how I can upload my website to the server now. I need help in uploading my website to the server. could someone please help me out on how I must upload the files without the "Setup Python App". Thank you I will be awaiting your response.0 -
@neil62 - can you confirm the system you are using has CloudLinux installed? If not, you can use the Application Manager tool as outlined here to get that configured:
Hi cPRex, I am a bit confused, I cannot get pip to install via my terminal or via the cPanel terminal. I also do not have CloudLinux os(if its the one for a monthly fee of $16). Is this the way to upload my website files to the server? because I cannot get pip to download and therefore I cannot really go further.I am also only familiar with the "Setup python App" that was under software in the cPanel interface. So what else can I do, because I cannot get the files to upload to the cPanel server.0
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