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[SOLVED] Trial license limit!



  • Spirogg
    I want to migrate a server from an old OS version. Created a new one with a trial license but in the Transfer Tool I get "Error: Because the destination server"s license is limited to 30 accounts" How am I supposed to transfer the server?

    I think you could put in for a support request and when you in the support portal you can select customer service. then request a developers lic with the limit you need for the accounts your transferring so they can allow the dev lic or another trial lic with the amount of accounts to transfer. I waited once till the end of the month and purchased a lic for 4 days prorated ;) and did a transfer. but I think putting in a request to customer service is the best way to get it handled. hope this helps Spiro
  • Spirogg
  • mencargo
    yep, there are special "transfer licenses", this is getting ridiculous... anyway, solved
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @Spirogg - it wouldn't be a developer license, but we do have migration licenses our Customer Service team can issue specifically for people in this situation. @mencargo - I'm glad you were able to get that resolved!
  • Bhavnish
    Hello I have also the same issue with cPanel
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @Bhavnish - just contact our Customer Service team at and they will help!

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