AutoSSL failing for addon domain
This is the error message:
ERROR AutoSSL failed to request an SSL certificate for "" because of an error: (XID 4pgkax) The response to the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) "POST" request from " indicated an error (526, Origin SSL Certificate Error): 526 Origin "
it appears the error is stemming from the fact that the main domain of the cpanel account is not pointing to the server. This will affect the SSL install on the subdomain, but does it affect the SSL install of the actual addon domain? The addon domain is resolving to the server. 0 -
... This will affect the SSL install on the subdomain, but does it affect the SSL install of the actual addon domain?
No it does not.0 -
There was an issue with the cPanel Store last night, which would have also impacted the AutoSSL system. That was resolved in less than an hour so I'd expect things to work well now. 0
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