CPANEL-40956 - What's new in 102.0.18? I don't understand what CHANGE LOG is...
Hi, I wanted to ask this question since last year, but forgot. I'm asking it now. I noticed over the last year or two that the change log is very often a copy/paste of the previous version. Why is that? And what's truely new in 102.0.18 if 100% of that version's change log is a copy/paste of 102.0.17? Is 102.0.18 EXACTLY the same as 102.0.17? What's the point of that update then?
See attached screenshot. Every single line of 102.0.18 is in 102.0.17. What's new in 102.0.18 then?
That's a good point. I'll send that idea over to the team! 0 -
So, more than 1 month later, it's still the same garbage? See attached? 0 -
Thanks for sharing that - I've let the team know, but most likely that case just got tagged to two versions for some reason. 0 -
So basically, they really don't care. This change log feature is pointless. I want to know what's new in this release. 0 -
It's not that we don't care, the developers just haven't got to that case yet. Since the changelog creation process is fully automated, it's more complicated behind the scenes than just fixing a typo in a text file. I assure you it's being worked on though and in the mean time you can always check the public changelog at 104 Change Log | cPanel & WHM Documentation as that is correct. 0 -
104.0.8 ...... 0 -
We're planning to have this resolved in version 106, but I'll post updates once I get them. 0 -
Update - at this time, we plan to remove the changelogs from inside the WHM interface and provide a link to the specific version of the public documentation (Change Logs | cPanel & WHM Documentation) that the server is on to avoid this confusion in the future. This change is currently planned for version 108, but I'll continue to update this thread as I get more details. 0 -
Meanwhile... 104.0.10 0 -
@Benjamin D. - I would still expect this to be broken in version 104, since I posted the update won't get applied until version 106. 0 -
Update - this is being worked on and moving through the QA process at this time. 0 -
Update - this will be resolved in 108.0.0. 0 -
Well that's nice, thanks. 0 -
Sure thing! 0 -
Just want to point out that almost 1 year later, it's still the same: 0 -
We actually have the 108 Stable release candidate going out today - if that all goes well, 108 will reach stable potentially later this week! 0
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