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cloudlinux vs cloudlinux for cpanel



  • andrew.n
    Is there a price difference? I'm pretty sure it makes no difference, you can install either of them on a cPanel based server. Fyi cPanel is working on a tool to be able to upgrade from CentOS 7 to Alma: ELevating cPanel & WHM | cPanel Blog
  • JIKOmetrix
    I have tried some of the inline upgrading tools for Almallinux and cannot get past the pre-flight check on an OVH server. Some of my servers, I've had provision new replacements since the inline update hosed up the server it would not boot from the internal drive and only boot form a network kernel. Could be just be though. I'll try the 'cloudlinux for cpanel' on of the servers and go from there.
  • andrew.n
    What is the error you are getting during pre-check?
  • JIKOmetrix
    Can't recall now. It was weeks ago. I think some were sym links need to be relative, A big issue was kernel drivers were missing, there were 5 or 6. I was able to clear 3 and got stumped.
  • andrew.n
    Sometimes OVH use special drivers compiled into kernels for their servers to work so might have been that but this should work regardless of the license you have.
  • JIKOmetrix
    Yeah, I hear OVH is special in more ways than one. :-) Thanks, Mike
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    The order you set things up doesn't matter. You could do CentOS >> cPanel >> CloudLinux or CentOS >> CloudLinux >> cPanel. They all work just as well and you'll end up in the same spot. As far as the license price, that doesn't matter either, as it all ends up the same no matter which way you order it.
  • JIKOmetrix

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