cPanel's AutoSSL
PinnedHey everyone! Since there are several AutoSSL threads with multiple replies at this time, I just wanted to post what we've been doing lately behind the scenes.
You're likely familiar with the following error message from AutoSSL:
In general, switching to Let's Encrypt as the AutoSSL provider (
The "cPanel (powered by Sectigo)" provider cannot currently accept incoming requests. The system will try again later.
In general, switching to Let's Encrypt as the AutoSSL provider (
Will we be able to use Let's Encrypt for hostnames? -1 -
At this point, no. 0 -
At this point, no.
Hello! Then, how this will solve the hostname lack of certificates issue? You simply added a better Let's Encrypt UI to install it as a plugin. But we really need coverage for hostnames ASAP.0 -
This won't do anything for hostname certificates at this time. It's just another option for domain SSLs. I might actually lock this thread so it doesn't get too long so people can see new updates as I post them. 0 -
Below another issue AutoSSL failed to request an SSL certificate for "" because of an error: (XID sgvqtf) The response to the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) "POST" request from " indicated an error (504, Gateway Timeout): 504 Gateway Tim" I've checked if it's a firewall issue but got same error when i disabled firewall EDIT : After 10 minutes error changed to this; AutoSSL failed to request an SSL certificate for "" because of an error: (XID wt93ug) The cPanel Store returned an error (X::Order::NotFound) in response to the request "POST ssl/certificate/free": Generic exception
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Bonjour , en ce moment j ai un soucis qui perdure concernant le renouvellement de certificat SSL je pensais que cela ce faisait automatiquement ...comment faire je galère !!!
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Bakhta SAGHI - Bonjour ! Il serait préférable de rédiger un nouvel article avec les erreurs spécifiques que vous constatez lors du renouvellement du certificat.
Hey there! It would be best to great a new post with the specific errors you are seeing with the certificate renewal.
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