Client cPanel Backup Issue after updating to latest theme
Hi everyone.
I have a question from a client, they used to backup their cPanel using the below pasted script but it has stopped working for them. They have switched to the new theme now and the remote backups have stopped using this script. How to fix this for them, kindly help...
$theme = 'paper_lantern'; // Must match current selected cPanel theme ('paper_lantern' in the majority of cases, 'x3' is possible as well)
Hey there! Editing custom PHP like this isn't something that we'd support on our end, but it looks like their script is just emulating a button click in the cPanel interface. That's not a recommended way to take backups, but I suppose it would work. The current interface for the cPanel >> Backups page is inside frontend/jupiter/backup/index.html so they'd just need to update their theme detection line and the exact button click they want to happen in the interface. 0 -
Thank you, I will inform them. 0
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