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Manging a cPanel/WHM server without server admin!



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! You'll likely get a range of responses to this, but I have found over the years it's the users that try and add or customize things that run into problems. I don't do anything odd with my personal servers, and I haven't broken anything to the point of a simple cPanel update not being able to resolve it in all those years. Let the system perform the automatic updates, and you should be alright. It's important to realize what cPanel *doesn't* configure - things like the firewall, the SSH service, the kernel itself - so if you can handle those you'll likely be just fine.
  • chetanmadaan
    Thanks. I am looking for the broad responses just to hear what others have to say but over all, there is no customization. Like I said PHP, Apache & AutoSSL and as far as I want to take it. I am familiar with SSH, so installed CSF and configured it too as it's pretty handy for security. Rest all looks good. Thanks for the reply.

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