cPanel Images Converter doesn't support webp
I am trying to batch covert images in a directory from jpg to webp, and it looks like I don't have this option using the cPanel Images Converter, as it only includes png, jpg, gif, bmp. Is there any module or update that I can add so that it will also handle webp files?
In a different thread this command was supposed to work, however I got errors when running it:
uapi --user=$MYUSER ImageManager convert_file image_file=/home/$MYUSER/public_html/cPanel%20logo.jpg type=webp
here is the error:
- "The system was unable to convert "/home/mydirectory/public_html/images2/filename.jpg": convert: delegate failed `'cwebp' -quiet %Q '%i' -o '%o'' @ error/delegate.c/InvokeDelegate/1928.\n"
Any help would be appreciated.
I just want to report that I found a much simpler solution to my problem. This one liner was all I needed: yum install libwebp libwebp-tools -y 0
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