Does Live Transfer skip previously-transferred (or suspended) accounts?
I am going to be transferring all accounts from one cPanel server to another using the Live Transfer tool. I have already used it to selectively transfer a few accounts for testing. Now I'm wondering, when I run it with all accounts selected for the final mass-transfer, will it skip accounts that have already been transferred (or even just accounts that are marked as suspended)?
Hey hey! It definitely won't attempt to transfer domains that exist on the destination machine, since that will cause a conflict. You'll get an error in the Transfer Tool interface that shows this - in this example, I have already moved to the Destination before selecting all the accounts: 0 -
Thanks! Is this a pre-flight check, or does this occur during the actual transfer of each account as it hits them? I don't want the transfer to stop in the middle if it hits an already-transferred account. :) I have several hundred accounts to transfer and need to let it run unattended for at least part of the time. 0 -
This is a pre-flight check - the individual account will be highlighted red, and that box from my screenshot will appear at the bottom of the screen down by where you click the "start" button, so you can't start the transfer without doing something to resolve the error. 0 -
Awesome! 0
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