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CPANEL-39262 - Errors in EasyApache provisioning



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey hey! There were some temporary mirror issues yesterday. Do you still see this happening now?
  • quietFinn
    Hey hey! There were some temporary mirror issues yesterday. Do you still see this happening now?

    This is a new server, no accounts yet, so since yesterday I've been trying this and that, provisioned different profiles. If I remove mod_lsapi and provision it says " The provision process exited with errors. Please check the log for details. ", but I don't see any errors in the log file, just 2 warnings: [2023-01-20 18:55:03 +0200] info [xml-api] warning: file /etc/apache2/conf.modules.d/001_mod_lsapi.conf: remove failed: No such file or directory [2023-01-20 18:55:03 +0200] info [xml-api] 2023-01-20 18:36:06.546906 [WARN] [29545] [T0] [ModSecurity] WEBSERVER_ERROR_LOG "@contains Invalid URI in request" "id:210210,msg:'COMODO WAF: Apache Error: Invalid URI in Request.||%{tx.domain}|%{tx.mode}|4',phase:5,pass,setvar:'tx.points=+%{tx.points_limit1}',logdata:'%{request_line}',t:none,rev:2,severity:4,tag:'CWAF',tag:'Protocol'": Rule not supported. EDIT: I disabled ModSecurity, added mod_lsapi, provisioned and no errors. :rolleyes:
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Well that's just odd - I don't have a good explanation for why it would work without those particular tools included.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    This is extra confusing to me now since the other thread you mentioned confirmed things were working now that we've resolved the mirror issues. If you can still reproduce this behavior, could you submit a ticket?
  • quietFinn
    Submitted a ticket, #94523518
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Thanks for that -I'm following along on my end.
  • quietFinn
    cPanel support told it was caused by this:
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Thanks for posting that - I'll be sure to update this thread if I hear more on my end!
  • MitchellJackson
    This is a new server, no accounts yet, so since yesterday I've been trying this and that, provisioned different profiles. If I remove mod_lsapi and provision it says " The provision process exited with errors. Please check the log for details. ", but I don't see any errors in the log file, just 2 warnings: [2023-01-20 18:55:03 +0200] info [xml-api] warning: file /etc/apache2/conf.modules.d/001_mod_lsapi.conf: remove failed: No such file or directory [2023-01-20 18:55:03 +0200] info [xml-api] 2023-01-20 18:36:06.546906 [WARN] [29545] [T0] [ModSecurity] WEBSERVER_ERROR_LOG "@contains Invalid URI in request" "id:210210,msg:'COMODO WAF: Apache Error: Invalid URI in Request.||%{tx.domain}|%{tx.mode}|4',phase:5,pass,setvar:'tx.points=+%{tx.points_limit1}',logdata:'%{request_line}',t:none,rev:2,severity:4,tag:'CWAF',tag:'Protocol'": Rule not supported. EDIT: I disabled ModSecurity, added mod_lsapi, provisioned and no errors. :rolleyes: Hi there, have you found the solution? I found this website, Free Essays on Do The Right Thing, Examples, Topics, Outlines - WritingUniverse when searching online for essay examples. Here, I can examine a number of free essay samples that help me finish my assignment on time.

    Hi there, have you found the solution?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @MitchellJackson - I haven't seen any updates to that case on my end just yet.

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