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Error: cPanel & WHM update failure in upcp script



  • avinash.pudota
    Around same time when the issue started, i installed jpegoptim and optipng to compress images via ssh. Did this cause any issue?
  • mr-route43
    I'm having the same issue, cloudlinux 8.7 as well. Didn't make any modifications in the last month, after the previous updates.
  • andrew.n
    Flush out the yum/dnf cache first and then trigger a fresh update command that might help you. Otherwise, clean the cache and check if any package conflicts, and then check for updates as shown below
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    If you're still seeing those issues after cleaning the yum cache, let me know and I can do some more investigation, as I currently can't reproduce this on my end.
  • avinash.pudota
    Hi, Below is the output. "yum check-update" is behaving strangely. "CloudLinux 8 EasyApache4" is downloading very slowly at average of 40 kB/s and after reaching around 70% it is falling back to 30% and it is looping like this. Below is the full output. "yum check-update" is still running. root@s1 ~]# yum clean all This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server. 85 files removed [root@s1 ~]# yum check This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server. [root@s1 ~]# yum check-update This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server. EA4 ( EasyApache 4 ) 685 kB/s | 3.2 MB 00:04 cPanel Addons Production Feed 14 kB/s | 8.9 kB 00:00 cPanel Plugins project 322 kB/s | 518 kB 00:01 cloudlinux-x86_64-server-8 8.0 MB/s | 14 MB 00:01 MySQL Connectors Community 933 kB/s | 88 kB 00:00 MySQL Tools Community 5.6 MB/s | 650 kB 00:00 MySQL 8.0 Community Server 18 MB/s | 2.7 MB 00:00 AlmaLinux 8.7 - AppStream 11 MB/s | 11 MB 00:01 AlmaLinux 8.7 - BaseOS 4.2 MB/s | 4.0 MB 00:00 AlmaLinux 8.7 - PowerTools 3.3 MB/s | 3.0 MB 00:00 cl-mysql 3.5 kB/s | 16 kB 00:04 AlmaLinux 8.7 - PowerTools 3.7 MB/s | 3.0 MB 00:00 CloudLinux 8 EasyApache4 51% [==========================- ] 36 kB/s | 2.1 MB 00:58 ETA
  • avinash.pudota
    At last it failed with below error. Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'cl-ea4': Yum repo downloading error: Downloading error(s): repodata/ecb11a93d5fb850ceee45868139e69f7c22b9db023c0b60f27c4687aa91cb4d5-filelists.xml.gz - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Thanks for the additional details. It sounds like there are network issues on your server leading the failure of the updates, since you are experiencing such a slow download speed. I would recommend reaching out to your datacenter about this issue and they should be able to get that resolved. Once the network speed is working how we expect, I would also anticipate that the updates work properly as well.
  • avinash.pudota
    Hi, remaining all were downloaded quickly within 1 or 2 seconds as you can see from yum check-update output. If there was a network issue why would remaining steps download quickly. All sites are working fine without network issue, I even transferred all cpanel backups to remote destination on 1st Feb. Around 80GB was transferred constantly at 20 to 25 MB/s. Should i try restarting server?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Sorry about that - I didn't notice the time on the other downloads. Can you run this command on the system and paste the output? cat /etc/yum.repos.d/cl-ea4
  • avinash.pudota
    Below is the output cat: /etc/yum.repos.d/cl-ea4: No such file or directory
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Here's the error we want to explore: Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'cl-ea4':
    Can you check your repositories and find which one has cl-ea4 in the name? Once you have that, you can open the repository file to see the URL being used, and determine if that is active. If not, the issue could simply be disabling that repository on the system.
  • avinash.pudota
    [QUOTE] yum repolist This system is receiving updates from CloudLinux Network server. repo id repo name EA4 EA4 ( EasyApache 4 ) Mysql-connectors-community MySQL Connectors Community Mysql-tools-community MySQL Tools Community Mysql80-community MySQL 8.0 Community Server appstream AlmaLinux 8.7 - AppStream baseos AlmaLinux 8.7 - BaseOS cl-ea4 CloudLinux 8 EasyApache4 cl-mysql-meta cl-mysql cloudlinux-PowerTools AlmaLinux 8.7 - PowerTools cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-1 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1 cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-10 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 10 cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-2 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2 cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-3 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3 cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-4 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4 cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-5 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 5 cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-6 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 6 cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-7 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 7 cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-8 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 8 cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-9 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 9 cloudlinux-rollout-1 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1 cloudlinux-rollout-10 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 10 cloudlinux-rollout-2 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2 cloudlinux-rollout-3 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3 cloudlinux-rollout-4 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4 cloudlinux-rollout-5 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 5 cloudlinux-rollout-6 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 6 cloudlinux-rollout-7 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 7 cloudlinux-rollout-8 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 8 cloudlinux-rollout-9 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 9 cloudlinux-x86_64-server-8 cloudlinux-x86_64-server-8 cpanel-addons-production-feed cPanel Addons Production Feed cpanel-plugins cPanel Plugins project epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64 imunify360 EL-8 - Imunify360 imunify360-rollout-1 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1 imunify360-rollout-2 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2 imunify360-rollout-3 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3 imunify360-rollout-4 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4 powertools AlmaLinux 8.7 - PowerTools wp-toolkit-cpanel WordPress Toolkit for cPanel wp-toolkit-thirdparties WordPress Toolkit third parties
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    In /etc/yum.repos.d, do you not have a cl-ea4 file?
  • avinash.pudota
    No, I have cl-mysql.repo and EA4.repo but no cl-ea4
    repo id repo name
    EA4 EA4 (EasyApache 4)
    Mysql-connectors-community MySQL Connectors Community
    Mysql-tools-community MySQL Tools Community
    Mysql80-community MySQL 8.0 Community Server
    appstream AlmaLinux 8.7 - AppStream
    baseos AlmaLinux 8.7 - BaseOS
    cl-ea4 CloudLinux 8 EasyApache4
    cl-mysql-meta cl-mysql
    cloudlinux-PowerTools AlmaLinux 8.7 - PowerTools
    cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-1 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1
    cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-10 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 10
    cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-2 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2
    cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-3 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3
    cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-4 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4
    cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-5 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 5
    cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-6 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 6
    cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-7 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 7
    cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-8 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 8
    cloudlinux-ea4-rollout-9 CloudLinux-EA4-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 9
    cloudlinux-rollout-1 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1
    cloudlinux-rollout-10 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 10
    cloudlinux-rollout-2 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 2
    cloudlinux-rollout-3 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 3
    cloudlinux-rollout-4 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 4
    cloudlinux-rollout-5 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 5
    cloudlinux-rollout-6 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 6
    cloudlinux-rollout-7 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 7
    cloudlinux-rollout-8 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 8
    cloudlinux-rollout-9 CloudLinux-8 - Gradual Rollout Slot 9
    cloudlinux-x86_64-server-8 cloudlinux-x86_64-server-8
    cpanel-addons-production-feed cPanel Addons Production Feed
    cpanel-plugins cPanel Plugins project
    epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64
    imunify360 EL-8 - Imunify360
    imunify360-rollout-1 Imunify360 - Gradual Rollout Slot 1
    Below is the full directory listing of /etc/yum.repos.d almalinux-appstream.repo almalinux.repo.rpmsave cloudlinux-ea4-testing.repo epel.repo almalinux-baseos.repo almalinux-resilientstorage.repo cloudlinux-imunify360.repo epel-testing-modular.repo almalinux-devel.repo almalinux-resilientstorage.repo.rpmsave cloudlinux.repo epel-testing.repo almalinux-extras.repo cl-mysql.repo cloudlinux-rollout.repo imunify360.repo almalinux-ha.repo cloudlinux-compat.repo cPAddons.repo imunify360-testing.repo almalinux-ha.repo.rpmsave cloudlinux-ea4-experimental.repo cpanel-plugins.repo imunify-rollout.repo almalinux-powertools.repo cloudlinux-ea4.repo EA4.repo Mysql80.repo almalinux-powertools.repo.rpmsave cloudlinux-ea4-rollout.repo epel-modular.repo wp-toolkit-cpanel.repo
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I just built a new CloudLinux 8 machine so I can test this. The repo name will be the data in the right column, so you'll have cloudlinux-ea4.repo in your file list. I would expect that /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudlinux-ea4.repo exists. The URL in that file should be the following, as only the top section is enabled: baseurl=$releasever/updates/$basearch/
    Do you have a different URL in your file?
  • avinash.pudota
    Yes, I have this file and below is the data in the file. [cl-ea4] name=CloudLinux $releasever EasyApache4 baseurl= gpgcheck=1 enabled=0 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CloudLinux [cl-ea4-sources] name=CloudLinux $releasever EasyApache4 - sources baseurl=
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    That certainly looks good to me. I think it's time to create a ticket with our team so we can check this out. If your CloudLinux license isn't purchased through cPanel, it might be best to contact them directly for this issue.
  • avinash.pudota
    Ok, thank you. I will contact Cloudlinux support. Thanks for your time.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Please remember to let us know what you find out!
  • avinash.pudota
    I have contacted CloudLinux support. Below 3 commands fixed the issue. [QUOTE] rpm -e --nodeps libavif-0.11.1 yum install libavif yum update libavif alt-libgd
    I ran /scripts/update-packages after running above 3 commands and it completed successfully.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Thanks for sharing!

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