WHM Taking a LONG time to load
Hello all,
Just today, I noticed that one of my servers WHM is taking like 1 minute to load. When I go there, it comes up super fast, then I put in my Authenication code and it takes a minute or so to load. The sites on that server load super fast, its just the WHM which is super slow. When in there, service status stats show great. NOt sure whats going on or if its related the the authentication but other servers have no issues with this. I am puzzed on what is going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey there! I haven't heard of any similar reports about a slow-loading WHM on my end. Do you see anything interesting in /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log while you load the interface? 0 -
Hi I think its the host provider as the resource level shows very min as there are only a few sites on this server and it should be super fast. Just wondering how I can determine if its a HOST issue and not configuration as the sites on there load SUPER slow and also the login to WHM is super slow, like 45-60 seconds, while at other tiems a little faster. Its very intermitten., Any way to tell if its related to the host and not any configuration or websiet issues? 0 -
Possible - I'd check /usr/local/cpanel/logs/access_log and see if the request gets to the server quickly. If the main request gets there quickly, it's likely a server-side issue. We're always happy to take a look through a ticket to confirm the behavior. 0 -
I just sent you a message with ticket ID. This is really stressing me out as the websites are super cleaned, no malware or issues and the server is always updated and even security advisor is showing no issues. Not sure why this server is super slow, but the WHM is super slow to login and work in and all websites laod super slow. This is also a big server with a lot of specs, only a few websites, does not make any sense whatsover. If you can please take a look, it would be great appreciated. Thanks so much! 0 -
Ticket IDs aren't top secret, but I'm following along with that on my end now! 0 -
thank you so much, I really appreciate it. 0 -
Of course - it's what I'm here for! 0 -
weird, it seems much better now, but there is definately something wrong as at times you cannot even login to WHM or any websites. So confusing and stressful. 0 -
now just checking super slow, it wont even load 0 -
did you get a chance to look at this yet? 0 -
I got this from the server with a lot of test ran and a lot of fails: Its looking more and more like a HOST issue, not the server itself. Maybe network or over abuse from others on same network. Resolver was my server main IP address I made it all xxxxxxxxx. Just a silly question, should I make my Resolver Google? Some of the server"s DNS resolvers fail to respond. Resolver Test Host Responded? Response Time xxxxxxxxx amazon.com ? Timeout xxxxxxxxx captive.apple.com ? Timeout xxxxxxxxx connectivitycheck.android.com ? Timeout xxxxxxxxx cpanel.com ? Timeout xxxxxxxxx ebay.com ? Timeout xxxxxxxxx facebook.com ? Timeout xxxxxxxxx google.com ? Timeout xxxxxxxxx live.com ? Timeout xxxxxxxxx reddit.com ? Timeout xxxxxxxxx yahoo.com ? Timeout 0 -
I personally don't handle the tickets, so I'm sorry if I gave the impression that I'd be the one handling that. We've had unusually high ticket volume the last few days so there have been some delays. If the DNS servers are failing the respond, the best thing to do would be to reach out to your host and get their official resolvers so you can ensure the server is configured properly. While there's nothing wrong with using the Google public resolvers, it can cause some odd behavior with antispam tools, as mentioned here: DNSBL Error Code - Open/public resolver - The Spamhaus Project 0 -
This scenario is a lot, the Host says all is great with the server, while I load on my end and my clients load also on their end and at times yes its super fast, then its just super slow or non responsive. There is no middle lag or a drop in performance, its 100% or 5% working. I am confident that there is nothing wrong with the server configuration or websites. Even when I test the sites on GTMetrix, comes back like almost 100% for website, while the next there is an error trying to connect. 0 -
I'm just going to note that the ticket number is 94535578 to make my own life easier moving forward. At this time, we still haven't been able to access the server through the ticket to examine anything on our end, so I don't have anything to add. Can you check the access details we're looking for in this ticket? 0 -
I have granted c panel access three times, I ahve tested connection said OK, I have whitelisted the IPs for C panel. The only think I did not do is enable password authentication which is disabled. 0 -
I have used C Panel support numerous times without any issues and now they just cannot connect to the server. I turn on using pass authentication YES and I can connect no issues to SSH. I have this turned off for security and only connect to server normally using keys for backups etc. I should not have to turn on pass auth for c panel correct? 0 -
These are all great questions for the ticket, for it would likely be best to whitelist our IP addresses in your server's firewall. 0 -
I have whitelisted the IPS several times lol, granted access several times, not sure what is going on. 0 -
I confirmed the server access is working fine for me, so someone will be replying to that ticket as soon as possible with more details. 0 -
Yes it is a Resolver issue, Using Google DNS for this fixes all, but its not good to stick with Google for resolvers as it causes issues with spam filters. My Host wants to charge me for live migration which is just unbelieveable as they are the ones having issues with their resolvers. C Panel tech did some test and sure enough, lots of intermitten issues. Put in Google DNS, loads everytime and fast. 0 -
I'm glad we were at least able to confirm it was a hosting issue and not a problem with the server, though! 0 -
You guys are terrific! The Host wants to charge me to live migrate which I think is a joke as its their resolvers causing issues. What is the best way to set up resolvers not using host Ips? I know its easy to change, but I also know it could cause issues with Spam filters. Is there anyway around this and whats the worst that can happen from using these Public DNS like Google, 0 -
I'd just use the Google resolvers. If you run into spam issues for a bit before you migrate, so be it, but it seems like that will resolve the other 99% of issues you're seeing. 0 -
Hey good morning! With the Google DNS, its super fast. Weird though yesterday the resolvers went back to my Host resolvers and I was getting complaints from client site would nto load. I eventually got into WHM, changed them back and its workign great again. Just worried about spam filters. What options do I have if the Host resolvers cause extreme slowness as I cant continue to use Google for this. The really weird thing is that other servers are runnign fine with same resolvers. When I out resolvers back to Host IP's, WHM literally takes like 75-90 seconds to load. If with Google, and instant. Any suggestions as moving host is a LOT of work. 0 -
I don't have any additional suggestions on my end, since it does seem to be something with the networking on that particular machine, so I don't have any cPanel-side thoughts to help improve that performance. 0 -
Hello there! Currently facing a similar issue. Being with OVH, the first line in resolv.conf reports their DNS: I would like to know if you added Google DNS as second and third line, or if you completely got rid of your ISP's DNS and only left Google ones. Thank you! 0 -
You can completely replace the entries in that file with public resolvers, but you can run into problems with spam filtering if you do. If you change those, and you see a speed improvement, let your host know so they can investigate. 0 -
I had a similar issue anything DNS related was REALLY really slow. Turned out I had an entry in my DNS cluster that was removed from service about a week ago and not removed from the Cluster so the cluster was timing out for the missing node before any DNS related items could load. After removing the deprecated server in the cluster, from all peers, it now works as expected. 0
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