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Exiqgrep broken / functionality limited in Exim 4.96 (WHM 108)



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! This is a change at the Exim level with 4.96, and not related to cPanel & WHM, so I don't have a way to adjust that on my end.
  • mtindor
    Hey there! This is a change at the Exim level with 4.96, and not related to cPanel & WHM, so I don't have a way to adjust that on my end.

    That's unfortunate. I'd complain to the developers, but in my limited experience of doing that kind of thing they aren't interested in hearing what users think. So I guess everyone running Exim will just have to suck it up.
  • phil99
    If you want to see the queue use: exiqgrep -o 1
    or exim -bpu
  • mtindor
    If you want to see the queue use: exiqgrep -o 1
    or exim -bpu

    Thanks, Phil. That is extremely helpful. I'm so used to using exiqgrep without arguments to get a picture of the queue at a glance. -o 1 works perfect. I'll probably just create an alias with a unique name to call exiqgrep -o 1. I appreciate your input. Mike

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