Error: csf is being restarted, try again in a moment..
When try to restart CSF get this error
Error: csf is being restarted, try again in a moment: Resource temporarily unavailable at /usr/sbin/csf line 185.
This happen on 2 server.. at this time.
Any cPanel / csf upgrade issue/bug?
our error line is 185 that is this flock ($CSFLOCKFILE, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) or die "Error: csf is being restarted, try again in a moment: $!"; So may be depend on lock file, but also deleted not solve 0 -
Ok, may be we have found issue.. post for future :) restart / enable csf call file /usr/local/csf/bin/ In this file there is a row that call bitninja for reloadiptable after comment this row csf restart fine so the issue is on the bitninja plugin 0 -
I'm glad you were able to find a solution! 0 -
good job :) 0
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