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Problems sending email to office 365 email accounts



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! Is the 144.x.x.x part of the Microsoft network? It would be best to contact their support with the output from your logs that you provided here to see if they could determine the cause of the issue. Since your server is sending the message and reaching the Microsoft network properly, there isn't anything else you can do on your side.
  • rafael.martinez
    Hello, The IP 144.x.x.x corresponds to the IP of my VPS provided by
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Thanks for that - I just wanted to clarify what that was. You'll still want to contact Microsoft directly to see why that is happening for messages from your server. To me, it sounds like you are being ratelimited.
  • rafael.martinez
    Hello, Indeed, it seems that Microsoft limits the amount of email it receives from our VPS, I changed the VPS IP and the emails began to be sent, but after a couple of hours the problem returned. We use VPS to send emails to our clients who mostly use emails provided by Microsoft, all emails are legitimate. What can we do?
  • mtindor
    Hello, Indeed, it seems that Microsoft limits the amount of email it receives from our VPS, I changed the VPS IP and the emails began to be sent, but after a couple of hours the problem returned. We use VPS to send emails to our clients who mostly use emails provided by Microsoft, all emails are legitimate. What can we do?

    Are you sending emails from domains on your VPS that have proper DKIM signing and SPF records active? Does the reverse DNS (rDNS) of your VPS IP address reflect a sensible name? M

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