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remote destination for backup not validating



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! This error sounds like an SSH problem and not a key problem. This is like when you access a server for the first time and you have to type "yes" to approve the man-in-the-middle warning - that is the host key getting added to your local system's knownhosts file. On a default cPanel server, we don't have StrictHostKeyChecking enabled, so I'm wondering if that has been added to your machine. Can you run this command and post the output here? grep StrictHostKeyChecking /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  • audrey
    Thanks for your help. I ran the command on both servers and nothing shows up on either server [root@host2 ~]# grep StrictHostKeyChecking /etc/ssh/sshd_config [root@host2 ~]# [root@host ~]# grep StrictHostKeyChecking /etc/ssh/sshd_config [root@host ~]# What is also wierd is that I use SSH keys to access both servers using winscp and penguinet. The servers SSH keys work without any issues
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    That is even more interesting. It might be best to create a ticket as I'm not finding much related to this specific error and the remote backup process.
  • audrey
    I agree - this is interesting - thanks for trying to help me figure this out. I will create a ticket for the Centos 7 server - and the cpanel person that gets the ticket can let me know if they need access to the AlmaLinux 8 server as well Thanks again Audrey
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    If you can post the ticket number here once you've done that I can follow along as well.
  • audrey
    HI cPRex Hope you are having a nice day cpanel ticket number
  • kodeslogic
    Glad that the issue is resolved.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    It sounds like my above suggestion ended up working, as this is what we found in the ticket: "At this time, I can validate the destination. I temporarily disabled the Tweak Setting from WHM --> Tweak Settings "Enable strict SSH host key checking" validated and re-enabled the setting, and it still works. This allowed the host to be placed in the "known hosts" file on the destination. server Alternatively, you can do the same by logging in via SSH from the command line."

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