Where's my backup files?
I can download them using this interface.
But I can't find the files where the docs say to look.
I have a hard drive that's running out of space and is crashing.
Many Many Thanks!
Hey there! There are two different areas depending on which type of backup we are working with. If you are creating a backup through the cPanel interface for just one account, the file would get saved in the location specified as outlined here: You could check that area of the WHM interface to see where the backups are being saved, and then you can manually remove those files if you need to free up some space. 0 -
Thank you. I read the and I set the Default Backup Directory to: /backup and a few days ago changed to: /home/bigislandfun/backup I navigate to that folder in file manager and it is empty. I can download a full backup from the cPanel backup interface. (/frontend/jupiter/backup/index.html) But it still caused a lengthy disruption last night while trying to recover. I changed the frequency to weekly to try and reduce the number of backups. Ideally, I'd like to be able to download and then delete the latest backup. Seems like it's hidden. 0 -
[whm.domainname.com] DISKWARN blocks alt="?">https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/15.0/26a0/72.png
: Mount Point "/" (ipaddress): 533.37 GB/599.79 GB - 88.925876% It looks like I'll need to stop backups. Come Sunday all my sites will break again. I don't understand why the instructions don't work for me. If I'm doing something wrong that is obviously wrong or if I'm being illogical, please correct me. For example, if you could prove that my backups are available to me, how would you do that? Any help is greatly appreciated.0 -
Maybe there's a way to delete recent backups? 0 -
Thank you... 0 -
There's a couple things we need to clarify in order to ensure backups are working well on your machine. The first thing I would mention is that /home/bigislandfun/backup should not be used for the general system backups on the server, as that could cause quota issues for the bigislandfun account, as well as slow disk performance. It's best to keep this in /backup at the root level of the server. Were you able to check the system and confirm that it is indeed the backups that are taking up the disk space? If so, do you see the size of the backup directory increasing each day as further confirmation this is what is changing on the system? Did you set a limit on the number of days that you are backing up data in WHM? This would automatically clear the old backups after newer ones are taken, and keep the disk space usage limited. 0
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