restore account from other partition
I have a server with a new disk, an old disk (with some damage) contained my information.
The new drive works fine, the old drive was mounted on "/oldroot/home"
I want to copy the hosting accounts to the /home partition (web, email, database)?
This is a manual process sadly requires some work. How is the rest of the folders like /usr, /var etc... are they the old ones? If so then you can just copy over the accounts folder to the new disk and thats it. If the rest of the folders lost and you have a new system with only the old /home folder retained then it requires some manual work and you lost the databases (as they are located outside of /home) sadly :( 0 -
As @andrew.n said, there isn't an easy way to do this. The best option would be to restore the accounts from a backup, but if you don't have that option it will be a lot of manual work to get things put back. 0 -
the information is intact in "/oldroot/home/user1", but the user:group was changed to 1111:000, is there any way to assign the correct user:group in bulk? I'm thinking of creating a hosting with the same Username, then copying the information from "/oldroot/home/user1" to "/home/user1", but how do I restore the file owner names in bulk? so that they are the correct ones for hosting? 0
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