clamd please scan entire system possible?
In WHM/Cpanel the only options for clamd is to scan user directory's and paths, but we all know nasty stuff can hide out in directories and folders other than user directories and paths.
How do you get clamd to scan these other system folders and folders outside the home folders, i.e., the entire system?
You can do this, but it's not available in the cPanel or WHM interface. Open a root console and run: clamscan -r -i /
0 -
When I do that it runs for a while then I see: clamscan -r -i / Killed 0 -
you'd have to check the system logs, could have run out of RAM. 0 -
I did check: cat error_log | grep clamd nothing there. Also just looked at the entire error_log in /usr/local/cpanel/logs and nothing bad there. . . 0 -
I have 4 GB RAM . . . 0 -
It probably wouldn't be anything in the cPanel logs killing it, so I'd look at /var/log/messages for more details. 0 -
turns out that mysql was hogging ram and so cpanel killed the clamd. So I killed mysql for twenty minutes to get even, then ran clamd again and it completed. That was my temporary solution. . . 0 -
4G of RAM for a busy system with Clamd running may not be enough, as it will use RAM for sure. 0 -
Hi @cPRex. The four or five websites on the server are not terribly busy, ever. What I'd rather do is run a cron job to bring down mysqld in the early a.m. to run the virus scan. 0
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