Cannot access Cpanel WHM - root password not working - can it be reset anywhere?
is there anything I can do to recover my root password for WHM? I received this message:
Nydus Installed
This dashboard relies on agent applications running on your server for certain operations to work,
called nydus-ex and nydus-ex-api. They work through connections to your server on port 2224.
Please ensure your firewall is not blocking this port and that these applications are running. Unblock
Ports Required for My Generation 4 Server.
Now I cannot access my server at all. I did have root access but it doesn't like my password. I wondered if there is anything from Cpanel (your side) that can be done for me to recover it or reset it? You have been in to my server in the past. This is a last resort so hope you can help
Kind regards
EJust in case anyone else has this issue, i have found out what was blocking the access. It turns out it is actually a Norton Antivirus issue. I will post the fix here just in case other people have the problem. It requires going in to their Norton application to turn Stealth Blocked Ports off as follows: Open your Norton device security product. If you see the My Norton window, next to Device Security, click Open. In the Norton product main window, click Settings. In the Settings window, click Firewall. On the General Settings tab, in the Stealth Blocked Ports row, move the switch to Off. Click Apply and click Close. 0 -
I'm glad you were able to get the issue resolved! For future reference, if you really do lose the root password, you'll have to reach out to your hosting provider or datacenter to have them reset that for you, as there isn't anything we can do on our side. 0
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