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process CPU load 100% during WHM cPanel upgrade on Almalinux9



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! Just to confirm a few things: -this is a brand new server? -the update only causes load issues from the WHM interface, but works fine on the command line with /scripts/upcp? The first thing I would check would be to watch the cPanel log with "tail -f /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log" while performing the update from the interface. If there is anything related to cPanel causing the problem, I would expect it to show up there. You can also watch "top -c" in real-time to see if there are any other issues, such as an I/O problem or load from other processes.
  • fuzi0n
    I have this exact same issue. Newly built VPS, cPanel 114.0.7, Alma 9.2.0 Std KVM. Trying to upgrade now. cPanel upgrade process never shows any status, or page does not load, or says last log file cannot be found. It does eventually complete though; despite no status, tailing the error log shows I am now on 114.0.8.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Thanks for the additional details - I created an AlmaLinux 9 test server with 114.0.7, set the update preference to Stable so it would update to 0.8. I performed the update from the WHM >> Upgrade to Latest Version, and while it did take a minute to start scrolling, I saw all the typical upcp output I'm used to. At this point, I'm not able to reproduce this problem on a test server, so you're welcome to submit a ticket so our team could do some direct troubleshooting on your system. @toyama - I did not see any unusual server load when I did my testing.
  • toyama
    Thank you for your answers, Ticket created #95140653
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    It looks like our team was also not able to reproduce the increased load.
  • fuzi0n
    Still having the issue so I will create a ticket as well.

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