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Forums Migration Update



  • Official comment
    cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    UPDATE - as of this point, the mapping is complete, so links from the old forum will point to their respective page in the new Zendesk environment.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Everything went well and the new Forum is now live!

  • Webdew

    Except the way I find myself onto your forums is via google searches for issues, and now all these inbound links are broken. Very Very frustrating right now.

    Seems like a huge over sight, you don't get to the content you are expecting, you don't get to a useful page at all not even one trying to use your incoming link as a search to find the right content.
    I'm kinda making do with Google cache - but tis not great.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Webdew - this may still be something we configure.  We need to ensure that all the data on the new forum will not change again (there's still a few missing posts we're going to deal with tomorrow) and then we can see what the options are for mapping old URLs to new pages.  Unfortunately with the way things are configured there just wasn't a way to do that in advance, but we're going to see if we can make it happen!

  • Bradley Higgs

    It's trivial to do this in advance, you create a translation table as you go with the same script that is injecting posts/comments on each item. Then you run translation each time you want to update the target format and update the target URL for each source URL.

  • SimpleSonic

    Sorry, but I'm not digging the new forum. 

    Seems very limited as far as information/settings and certainly not as robust of a UI as Xenforo.

    I understand the reasoning for moving to Zendesk, but not a fan at all.

  • Andrew

    oh cPRex oh...where do I start?:( my old forum profile is gone for good?:( :(

  • ciao70

    Graphically I don't like the new forum :(

    I find it very limited


  • TrentaHost

    I like the simplistic look and feel of it, don't hate me :D 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Andrew - you most likely have a different email address in our support platform than what you used for the old Forums.  If you create a new support account with that same email address, it will link to all your old stuff automatically.

  • WorkinOnIt

    Oh. my. gosh. Another devastating change from cPanel.  What ever happened to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" adage?  Honestly, this is a terrible, terrible move.

    • All the old posts gone.  Literally decades of knowledge flicked away at the press of a button.  OK so, some of it was a bit outdated, but really there were millions of posts that still had relevant knowledge.  
    • The new forum looks so depressing, grey, no formatting and simply - just bad.  

    You guys seems to be obsessed with shaking things up, but I honestly don't see what's the point in doing that, unless you make an improvement.  How can wiping all the data and moving to a less user friendly model be an improvement?  I'm dumbfounded really and just sad again that what was once my go to partner in webhosting has disintegrated.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Currently the data goes back to 2018.  Since the initial migration went well, we're exploring the option of moving even older data over.

  • Bradley Higgs

    Every single search i do in google for info just lands me at a broken destination now "you must have typod", lol, no, cpanel must have lunched their entire knowledgebase lol. It must have been intentional, surely? nobody makes a mistake like this on a tiny domestic host let alone cPanels forums.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I already mentioned that we're working on mapping the URLs, and hope to have this done tomorrow.

  • Metro2

    I really do try to avoid being negative, and as a wise man once said "he knows changes aren't permanent, but change is". However, this is going to take some getting used to and is not a good experience. I'm missing bookmarks, links to threads I was following, content I've started or participated in, and this new forum even thinks I've only been here since 2020, which... is just crazy.

    I'm sure this has been a really tough day for cPanel staff, especially active forum staff like cPRex , and I do sympathize with that. After all, I'm more of a dinosaur here than his avatar ;)

    But... wow... just wow... so much important content that I used for reference over the past 15+ years that I will now have to contact cPanel Support for instead of re-referencing what was already here and so very valuable.

    Why does every company in the world seem to want to make every holiday more difficult each year and launch major changes? (Especially in November / December when we're all completely stressed to the gills already).

    Ah well... is what it is...

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey, Metro2!  While we aren't going to move everything, what was the oldest bookmark you were referencing?  Also, is there not an equivalent Support Article at, because if the information was that valuable, it might be good to have it there.

    (I know there are older threads that verged into more unsupported areas, like Exim customizations and whatnot, but *in general* the Support Articles are something that we can maintain as we move forward as well, while Forum posts aren't)

  • Metro2

    Thank you for the response cPRex

    I'm so disoriented right now and under so much pressure (tomorrow sales end on new server promos at various data centers, and I need to migrate / choose) , that I can't give you an exact bookmark or topic at the moment - I'm focused on trying to survive getting out of my current DC and migrating to new boxes, and it's a conundrum.

    I will certainly see what I can find at the link you suggested , but at the moment I'm between a rock and a hard place.

    I DO pay attention to support articles (ya know, the ones you can only subscribe to with cPanel ID as I have for years) , but definitely missing the quickness of reference of the older forums at the moment.

    Will def take some getting used to this...

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Once the link mapping is done it should at least help with some of your bookmarks!

  • Metro2

    cPRex thank you for all the babysitting you do here for us! Please never think it's not appreciated.

  • Metro2

    Quick example, and this is probably not a great example, but this thread was useful to many -

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Thanks - if I'm looking at the right thing, that should be one of the ones fixed tomorrow as that is post-2018.  If I'm not looking at the right thing, post the title of the thread here so I can look it up.

    I'm going to see if we can do another 4ish years of data when things settle down after this initial move :D. No guarantees, don't quote me, but I'll try!

  • clopezi

    I appreciate your posts and your insights, cPRex, but clearly this it's not a good move and looks like a very limited platform.

    I hope the url mapping works soon because as many said before, that was a very good knowledge. 

  • EthernetServers

    Few things:

    - Rex, hen I try to view your cPanel profile via the new forum, I get "Service Unavailable":
    Other profiles I tried worked fine:

    - Again, Rex, unless you're no longer with cPanel, your "cPanel Staff" badge is missing, whilst it shows up fine for Peter:

    - It appears it's no longer possible to tag people? That is quite a handy feature IMHO.

    - Where do I edit my profile photo? 

    - More or less the whole post at contains broken links. I'd imagine this is happening elsewhere as well.

  • vatra

    Just map the URLs from old to new forums. I can live with everything else. I've built a huge bookmark collection to help me navigate my knowledge more easily. It would be pitty it all that went to waste.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    vatra - I've said multiple times this is happening.

    EthernetServers - yeah, my profile got broken in the move as it got used for a lot of testing.  It'll get fixed.  I'm pretty sure I still work here, though.  Until it's fixed, I can't give myself the Staff badge either.  I'm not sure what you mean by tagging people though?  There are issues with broken links in some areas, and we'll fix them as we find them, but some just couldn't be directly moved no matter what we tried due to encoding issues.

  • EthernetServers

    cPRex - oops, appears tagging does work after all. When I tested earlier, it didn't seem to like it.

    When I go to I get "You do not have access to this page. Please contact the account owner of this Zendesk for further help." - I should note I am logged into my cPanel Partner2/NOC account.

    Also, appear it's not possible to quote someone on the new forum, unless I'm missing something? 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    The quoting is......odd for sure. There's a Zendesk case open about this.

    That's likely a bad link on my side - you'd just access the support portal like you're creating a ticket and you should see the photo option there.

  • SimpleSonic

    I see "The name, profile photo, phone, and email are set automatically. You can't change them here."

  • EthernetServers -> Edit Profile is saying "The name, profile photo, phone, and email are set automatically. You can't change them here."

    It's no big deal, I just felt that perhaps the forum would look more aesthetically pleasing with some avatars. 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    EthernetServers - we're all learning some things together today it seems :D

    You aren't able to edit the actual main "Name" field as that gets pulled from your Zendesk account.  What you *can* edit is the Alias line, and that will change what username shows up here.

    I'm looking into the issues with the images now, as those should be adjustable for sure.  Gray circles of people is certainly not my vision.


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