CL-selector not enabled by default
I am having a problem with my new CloudLinux 6.4 / cPanel 11.38.2b6 host. When adding an account in the WHM interface, the PHP selector functionality does not enable until i force-update cagefs -- e.g.:
I remember the selector `just working` when I played around with the trial versions of CL/CP, and I can't figure out what I've done different this time around. The server is pretty vanilla, CloudLinux installed first, the cPanel immediately afterwards. That is to say, I don't remember whether I installed the lvemanager, cagefs, and alt-php packages before or after cPanel, but I've tried reinstalling in any event, to no avail. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! R. Vestergaard
# cl-selector -p bob
# cagefsctl --list-enabled
1 enabled user(s)
# cagefsctl --force-update
[ .. output .. ]
# cl-selector -p bob
I remember the selector `just working` when I played around with the trial versions of CL/CP, and I can't figure out what I've done different this time around. The server is pretty vanilla, CloudLinux installed first, the cPanel immediately afterwards. That is to say, I don't remember whether I installed the lvemanager, cagefs, and alt-php packages before or after cPanel, but I've tried reinstalling in any event, to no avail. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! R. Vestergaard
Try: cagefsctl --update-etc If you add new user now that you did --force-update --> Is it still not working? If that is the case, please, submit a ticket to -- we will take a look. 0 -
Hi Igor, --update-etc does not seem to have any effect. I'll hit the CL helpdesk as you suggested. Thanks, RV 0 -
I've just been dealing with a similar issue that eventually got resolved by cPanel support (ticket 4340087). As it turned out the CageFS installer did not properly install a number of script hooks. Support ran this script which installed the missing hooks: /usr/share/cagefs/cpanel/cpanel-hooks-cagefs No issues with the PHP Selector since. 0 -
Tom, That did indeed solve the problem! Now to study that script and find out what exactly went wrong... My other server, which exhibited the same symptoms, was fixed with assistance from the helpdesk. The problem turned out to be caused by an unpatched suphp (/usr/sbin/ Thank you very much for your assistance! R. Vestergaard 0 -
[quote="rkv_wwi, post: 1461342"> Thank you very much for your assistance!
You are most welcome, but credit really belongs to the helpful folks at cPanel support. I had the unpatched SuPHP issue too, which turned out to have the same root cause. Tom0
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