Can't transfer an account using transfer tool
I ordered a new server because I need more power and the old one is an VPS.
I got a new dedicated server with centos 7.2 and WHM installed. The old VPS is running centos 6.8 and WHM
WHM was installed by my hoster. I changed some setting to get them similar to the old VPS.
On the new server I go to Transfer - Transfer Tool. First I tried to connect by using the SSH-Key from the VPS. That didn't work; I get no connection. Than I activated the SSH-Login by Password and tried again. The same problem --- no connection.
The message I get:
(XID p9vgmw) The system stopped waiting to connect to "" on port "22" after 15 seconds.
So, what can I do to connect and transfer the user to the new server. The problem is, that the filesize is very large - over 100 GB.
So, I'm glad for every idea
My best guess here is that your old server has port 22 firewalled off. You can test by trying to SSH to the old server from the new one and seeing if a connection is possible - if not, add the new server's IP to the old server's firewall. 0 -
No, that isn't the reason; I have changed to another me known port and I used that port when traying to connect. And I have controlled several time if I put some wrong chars in - I haven't. 0 -
And what I don't understand; I use SSH daily with no problems; all connection function well. 0 -
What I'm saying is, if the new server gets a connection timeout on port 22 when trying to connect to the old server, it means it can't make a connection. This is usually caused by a firewall being in the way on either side. So, perhaps do the test I suggested: Try to SSH from the new server to the old server on port 22 and see if it works. 0 -
Puuhhh, I found it. I have changed the SSH-port but didn't insert that port into the firewall-settings. Thanks for putting me in the right direction :-) Regards and good night Thorsten 0 -
Hello, I'm happy to see the issue is now resolved. Thank you for updating us with the outcome. 0
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