Autodiscover dns records
When adding a domein, the A record: autodiscover is being created.
When using Outlook, an certificate error is generated because of this record.
When deleting this records, all goes well.
How can I stop cpanel from generating these records and how can i remove them from all domains (except for domain with altered autodiscover A records)?
Greetings :)
I found how to do this in tweak settings, but it also disables the creation if the _autodiscover._tcp SRV record (which does work :)). I can edit the zone so on new domains this is added correctly, but now i need to know how to update the other domains to add the _autodiscover._tcp SRV record :) 0 -
Found out how to do this... but I believe the "bad" a record is needed for iphone autodiscovery to work... But that does not work :( I made another ticket for this... 0 -
Hello, You may also want to vote and add feedback to the following feature request: Autodiscover Proxy on a Per Domain Basis I see you have opened a new thread for the issue referenced in your last post. Thank you. 0
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