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dropped: too many nonmail commands (last was "RSET")


1 comment

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  Per the Exim docs at

    "Exim counts the number of “non-mail” commands in an SMTP session, and drops the connection if there are too many. This option defines “too many”. The check catches some denial-of-service attacks, repeated failing AUTHs, or a mad client looping sending EHLO, for example. The check is applied only if the client host matches smtp_accept_max_nonmail_hosts."

    so yes, it would seem to need to increase that value a bit to handle the mailing list that is being sent all at once.

    You can do this in WHM >> Exim Configuration Editor under the Advanced tab.  Right above the text "Section: BEGINACL" you'll see a blue button you can click called "Add Additional Configuration Setting" - click that, and you'll find the smtp_accept_max_nonmail option in the drop down.


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