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Profile Picture in Cpanel Emails



  • rbairwell

    If you are talking specifically about Google's "Profile Pictures" on then you can either set it up the additional email address as per the video (go to , select "Personal Info", expand Contact Info->Email and then add the email address as an Alternate email) or create a new Google Account via selecting "I'd rather use my own email address". But that is Google Mail/Gmail specific and won't syndicate to other email services.

    If you are talking about the multi-provider service (as supported by Apple, Fastmail, Google, Yahoo and and others), then I believe you are actually referring to "Brand Indicators for Message Identification" - aka "BIMI" - which requires you to upload an SVG image to a web page and then add a BIMI record TXT DNS entry - see etc. Ideally, for it to work properly according to spec, you also need a "Verified Mark Certificate (VMC)" - which are about $1,500 per year per domain (according to Digicert).

  • Cordial MarketPlace


    My gosh! 😯

    I wonder why some people will make simple things to look difficult.

    The problem that the Video wanted to solve, was to provide a feature that was missing in Emails sent by Cpanel.

    When we send Emails through Cpanel, no Profile Picture goes along with the Email.

    The Video was just providing us a hack through Gmail, but the inherent source problem is still there.

    The problem is that -- When we send Emails through Cpanel, no Profile Picture goes along with the Email.

    These Cpanel Emails are sent through RoundCube, and RoundCube this sits in our Cpanel as one of our Cpanel utilities.

    The questions is--Why can't we be able to add Profile Pictures in the Emails we send through RoundCube or Webmail, in the way that we are able to add Profile Pictures in Gmail?

    There is Setting in Control Panel, RoundCube and Webmail. 

    Why do these Settings not include option to add Profile Picture directly, as is possible in Gmail?

    This exactly is my question, and I hope it is clear enough?


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    The feature just doesn't exist, so there isn't a way to do that.  If you'd like to submit a feature request I'll get that approved for the developers to check out!

  • Cordial MarketPlace

    I have made the Feature Request, as you can see here--

    If You say you will get it approved, so that it could be considered and possibly added to cPanel, I would appreciate this greatly.


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Approved just now!

  • Clinton Colaco

    So sorry how do you do this?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Clinton Colaco - there is currently no way to do this.  That feature request is open to see if it is something we will add to the product.


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