200 OK Failed to establish session and parse security token
Hi team,
anyone has any clue what this message could mean when transfering a remote cpanel account?
Network issue? The firewall of the destination server might blocked the source one? What happens if you try to re-transfer the account?
Andrew N. - cPanel Plesk VMWare Certified Professional
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EmergencySupport - Professional Server Management and One-time Services0 -
Hi Andrew,
First i would like to thank you for investing time on my issue.
Shouldn't be a network issue.
i can connect to remote machine from local machine on tcp port 2083. This should be enough, right?
what do you mean try to re-transfer the account? i'm sorry i don't understand
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A connection over port 2083 wouldn't be enough to initiate the transfer. You'll want to ensure 2087 and SSH connections are working between the two systems. If not, the Transfer Tool will not be able to connect.
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similar issue. port are open.. using transfer tool are okay.
in this case cant using: Transfer or Restore a cPanel Account
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We need more detail from the server logs about this issue before we can provide better information.
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SSH on remote server is running on a different port than the default.
Maybe this is the reason? if yes, is there any way to bypass this?
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That shouldn't matter - the Transfer Tool asks for the SSH port when you create the connection.
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