DNS setting up an incoming A record
A client has an external DNS .
Our server handles websites, DNS and emails all in one.
We have the client website that we need their DNS to load on our servers.
Their mail is handled elsewhere.
We can not host their DNS or their mail. Website only.
The account that should be loaded is already associated with another address, for testing purposes.The website needs to be loaded on two separate addresses.
the site has been developed on "develop.website.com" where website.com is entirely DNS / web hosted on our domain. This is the primary account the CPanel is under. as it's primary domain. What we need is a secondary DNS record that displays the website at www.domaink.net .
Our approach has been to:
- Set up a DNS record on our server with their domain name:
domaink.net. 86400 NS ns1.server.co.uk
domaink.net. 86400 NS ns2.server.co.uk
domaink.net. 14400 A 123.456.678.789
www.domaink.net. 14400 CNAME domaink.net
- Associate the CPanel account with this record.
They have updated their DNS to point the A record to our server IP, but the site is not connecting.
What am I missing? I have tried to set the Cpanel --> domain Alias aspect but this doesn't allow it for a reason I didn't record but something like the current DNS doesn't seem to point to the account.
NOTE: because the forum is broken I am unable to leave replies (no submit button on HTML on any browser).
So, you are hosting a website for a client (www.domaink.net is the site) but DNS and Email are handled externally? I think I understand that much, and that's quite typical.
"The account that should be loaded is already associated with another address, for testing purposes.The website needs to be loaded on two separate addresses."
I do not understand what the above statement means.
Typically, when we add a hosting account for a site which we aren't going to handle DNS, we will ask the client to add a "dev.domaink.net" A-record in DNS pointing to our server. Then, in cPanel --> Domains, we will add "dev.domaink.net" and have it "Share Document Root". Then we will develop the site using dev.domaink.net.
When it's time for the site to go "live", we instruct the client to change the @ / www IP address to our server IP address (and tell them to make sure that they don't have any other records CNAMEd to @ before they make the change). We warn the client about this because often you will find that important records like the mailserver (mail.domaink.net) is CNAMED to @. As soon as they change @ to point to our server, their mail stops working because inbound mail is redirected to our server as it all of their email clients.
Once the site is "live" on our server, we change the Site/Home URL in Wordpress to http://www.domaink.net or https://www.domaink.net and then use a serialized search/replace tool to replace any reference of "dev.domaink.net" in the database to "www.domaink.net". Of course, oftentimes if you are using a slider or a special theme, you have to go into the theme or slider config and adjust a URL that may still be referencing "dev.domaink.net"
In addition, we often will use a subdomain of from our own domain to develop under. For instance, we might add the hosting account for domaink.net and then add [in our DNS] domaink.cp.<ourdomain.ext>. And then we will go into cPanel --> Domains and add domaink.cp.<ourdomain.ext> and Share Document Root. Then we will develop under https://domaink.cp.<ourdomain.ext> .
I prefer the customer add a "dev.<theirdomain.ext>" to their DNS though. But sometimes it's just easier for us to develop under a subdomain of our own.
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To me, if I'm reading this correctly, it sounds like they just need to add an A record for develop.website.com that is pointed to the correct IP address, like what mtindor said.
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