DNSOnly PowerDNS with Mysql backend problem
Dear all.
I have DNSOnly instalation on rockyLinux 8.9.
The version is : 118.0.4
Originaly, it use BIND backend.
I changed it to mysql, do zone2sql , and inject existings zone+record to mysql.
Restart pdns, check with dig .... all running well.
Since this DNSOnly server is part of cluster, I make a test to edit a record on one of our CPanel Hosting server that refer it as DNS Cluster.
In DnsOnly server , Check the soa of that edited zone ... and looks like it's not updated.
This is befor and after zone edit at the hosting server
[root@103-30-144-92 pdns]# nano ./pdns.conf.mysql
[root@103-30-144-92 pdns]# systemctl stop pdns
[root@103-30-144-92 pdns]# cat ./pdns.conf.mysql >./pdns.conf
[root@103-30-144-92 pdns]# systemctl start pdns
[root@103-30-144-92 pdns]# dig +short @ domain07.bino soa
ns1.cpaneldev.jcamp.net. emailserver.jcamp.net. 2024032902 3600 1800 1209600 86400
[root@103-30-144-92 pdns]#
[root@103-30-144-92 pdns]# dig +short @ domain07.bino soa
ns1.cpaneldev.jcamp.net. emailserver.jcamp.net. 2024032902 3600 1800 1209600 86400
this is last lines from /usr/local/cpanel/logs/api_tokens_log
[2024-03-30 03:38:10 +0700] info [whostmgrd] Host: [''] HTTP Status: ['200'], User: ['root'], Token Name: ['DNS-ONLY'], Request: ['GET /json-api/gethostname? HTTP/1.1']
[2024-03-30 03:38:10 +0700] info [whostmgrd] Host: [''] HTTP Status: ['200'], User: ['root'], Token Name: ['DNS-ONLY'], Request: ['POST /scripts2/getzones_local HTTP/1.1']
[2024-03-30 03:38:10 +0700] info [whostmgrd] Host: [''] HTTP Status: ['200'], User: ['root'], Token Name: ['DNS-ONLY'], Request: ['POST /scripts2/getzones_local HTTP/1.1']
[2024-03-30 15:11:03 +0700] info [whostmgrd] Host: [''] HTTP Status: ['200'], User: ['root'], Token Name: ['DNS-ONLY'], Request: ['POST /scripts2/savezone_local HTTP/1.1']
[2024-03-30 15:11:03 +0700] info [whostmgrd] Host: [''] HTTP Status: ['200'], User: ['root'], Token Name: ['DNS-ONLY'], Request: ['POST /scripts2/reloadbind_local HTTP/1.1']
So I think the powerdns is ok using mysql backend, but some how the api have problem with it.
Kindly please tell me what to do/check to fix this problem
Hey there! In WHM >> Tweak Settings under the "Logging" tab, there is an option called "Enable verbose logging of DNS zone syncing." Can you make sure that is enabled? After that is turned on, try your DNS work again, and then check the log at /usr/local/cpanel/logs/dnsadmin_log. That will show the full transaction of the DNS update, and should point to the specific area causing the issue.
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