Altered Packages found, fixing but reappearing exactly the same
Hello here, I am administrating a server with Ubuntu v22.04.4 and cPanel Version
I get an altered packages email every few days.
cpanel-system-python27-/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/python/2.7/lib/python2.7/Cookie.pyc Broken The MD5 digest (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) has changed
As per instructions, I run
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_pkgs --fix
This seems to fix things:
[2024-04-29 09:10:39 +0300] Removing 1 broken packages: cpanel-system-python27
[2024-04-29 09:10:40 +0300] dpkg: cpanel-system-python27: dependency problems, but removing anyway as you requested:
[2024-04-29 09:10:40 +0300] cpanel-mailman depends on cpanel-system-python27.
[2024-04-29 09:10:40 +0300] cpanel-dnspython depends on cpanel-system-python27.
[2024-04-29 09:10:40 +0300]
[2024-04-29 09:10:40 +0300] (Reading database ... 332135 files and directories currently installed.)
[2024-04-29 09:10:40 +0300] Removing cpanel-system-python27 (2.7.18-1.cp108~u22) ...
[2024-04-29 09:10:41 +0300] Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.35-0ubuntu3.7) ...
[2024-04-29 09:10:41 +0300] Maximum sync children set to 16 based on 21244M available memory.
[2024-04-29 09:10:41 +0300] Downloading
[2024-04-29 09:10:43 +0300] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release).
[2024-04-29 09:10:43 +0300] Downloading
[2024-04-29 09:10:45 +0300] Disabling service monitoring.
[2024-04-29 09:10:45 +0300] Hooks system enabled.
[2024-04-29 09:10:45 +0300] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'pre' hooks for any Packages about to be installed
[2024-04-29 09:10:45 +0300] All required 'pre' hooks have been run
[2024-04-29 09:10:45 +0300] No packages need to be uninstalled
[2024-04-29 09:10:45 +0300] Installing new packages: cpanel-system-python27_2.7.18-1.cp108~u22_amd64.deb
[2024-04-29 09:10:46 +0300] Selecting previously unselected package cpanel-system-python27.
[2024-04-29 09:10:46 +0300] (Reading database ... 327452 files and directories currently installed.)
[2024-04-29 09:10:46 +0300] Preparing to unpack cpanel-system-python27_2.7.18-1.cp108~u22_amd64.deb ...
[2024-04-29 09:10:46 +0300] Unpacking cpanel-system-python27 (2.7.18-1.cp108~u22) ...
[2024-04-29 09:10:48 +0300] Setting up cpanel-system-python27 (2.7.18-1.cp108~u22) ...
[2024-04-29 09:10:48 +0300] Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.35-0ubuntu3.7) ...
[2024-04-29 09:10:48 +0300] Hooks system enabled.
[2024-04-29 09:10:48 +0300] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'post' hooks for any Packages about to be installed
[2024-04-29 09:10:48 +0300] All required 'post' hooks have been run
[2024-04-29 09:10:48 +0300] Restoring service monitoring.
But after a few days, the same exact email comes. I repeat the procedure and again same. This has happened in total almost ten times.
Any ideas?
Hey there! This is a known issue with Ubuntu installations at this time. We're tracking the problem here:
For the time being, you can just ignore these warning messages.
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