Affordable License Options?
I'm a software developer working on several scripts and WordPress plugins that will be offered for free. They deal with web hosting and web backend management within websites directly.
For example, I have a plugin for WordPress nearly completed that allows for quick-switching PHP versions for the hosted site directly within WordPress. It's already functional for several common free web hosting platforms. I'd like to include cPanel compatibility too, but can't justify spending $61/mo for a metal license in order to write the necessary code, just to give away for free.
Is there a reasonably priced or free license for people like me? A few dollars a month at most for developmental purposes since no sites will ever be hosted with it?
The 14 day free trial is a start, but there's no options beyond that from what I can see.
Thanks in advance for any helpful replies!
Maybe this? -
That developer license application would be the best option, and our Customer Service team will be able to get you more details after the application.
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