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ActiveSync Port 2091 Connections failing



  • Unnamed User

    Update: The port is not blocked in firewall. Wrong password generates regular invalid username/password error. IMAP setup using GMail app works fine. However, in IMAP the email check frequency is 15 mins and users need PUSH sync as waiting for 15 mins for urgent emails is not acceptable for several users.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  You mention you're getting an error in the email setup screen.  What application are you using that is giving that error?  Do you see anything helpful in /var/log/maillog on the server?

  • Unnamed User


    The app is Google's GMail app being used on an Android device.

    I did not find any log entries during the time when I was trying. The last entries were from May 1 for the user when the app was last properly working for all users. If you could tell me what to search for then I may do that.

    Thank you!

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Can you let me know specifically where it's asking you for port 2091?  I wouldn't expect you to manually need to put that port in anywhere, although I certainly don't claim to have every email app memorized.  If you could provide some context on how you're configuring that account, maybe with a screenshot, that might be more helpful.

    You also mention this is happening across multiple servers? 

  • Unnamed User


    We follow the following cPanel article:

    Below is the mobile screenshot of the screen.

    And yes, the issue is on all my servers from today. I have not opened WHM / Terminal in the last several days and as such it cant be that something I did. As, also it is there with all users who use this setup. People who use IMAP they are not affected. People who use ActiveSync are affected. Only ActiveSync offers Push Mail and as such many users prefer ActiveSync over IMAP. 

    Thank you!

  • Unnamed User

    Also, below is the OS and cPanel version:
    AlmaLinux v8.9.0 STANDARD standard
    cPanel Version

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Thanks for the additional details.  I'm not finding other similar reports of this behavior so we may be in uncharted territory.  Can you try running the following two commands on the system to see if they show any service listening on that port, and if it responds?

    netstat -plant |grep 2091
    telnet localhost 2091

    Note: you may need to run "yum install telnet" if you don't already have that tool on the server.

    If those don't show anything, can you try this command to see if that gets the service to restart?


    If that still doesn't show anything, is there anything obviously related in the main cPanel error log at /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log?

    Hopefully one of these things will get us pointed in the right direction.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Update: Since you mentioned that this is affecting all your servers I did a bit more research on this, and we have removed the Z-push plugin in version 120.  There are different configuration requirements now that your servers have updated to that version:

    Can you try using that specific guide to connect to the server?

  • Unnamed User

    cpdavd is functioning but that is for contacts and calendars. CCS and EAS that has been removed from 120 was not known to me and hence I didnt update any of the clients to expect a change in config to access the email service. I shall urge you send email bulletins of deprecated features to expect in the coming months.

    The push mail service of EAS is missing in the new environment as IMAP that I see is being recommended still only syncs every 15 mins. Calendar and Contacts sync using DAVx5 is also disputable as it requires a paid subscription from the user and that too for every user. I would have expected a complete solution from cPanel as they are a solution provider for hosting service that comes with email service and are increasing the cost per server per month exorbitantly in recent times and then asking users to pay for 3rd party services / apps.

    Thank you for the update as it helped me understand the sudden issue. However, now its a new challenge to explain to each user who depended on EAS and CCS for contacts, email and calendar that they will need to experience a downgraded service quality due to lack of push mail and in turn is now expected to pay for an app to access their existing contacts and calendars. As you can imagine this type of service to large corporates only cause doom to providers of IT services like us as we instantly loose customers to bigger global players. Since we purchase licenses of your software and sell services using that to clients, I shall urge you to please be considerate on these in the future.

    Thank you!

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I definitely agree - I know it doesn't help with this particular situation, but we have an internal plan to improve the communication about these types of changes so admins like you don't get stuck in these situations!


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