Any time i restart my vps i loss access to my whm i continue to get the err_connection_timed_out and my server is online i used to run the cpanel restart command "service cpanel restart" and it would just work but this time it has failed to do so... i need help
i have tried restarting network and all but noting worked.
Hey there! Did the "service restart cpanel" command give an error, or are you just not able to reach cPanel or WHM after the restart? Knowing specific details about errors will help us point you in the right direction.
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No error at all
I battle with this thing all the time0 -
Is it possible I drop my server access so you can help me check...cuz am at the point when I just wan to delete the whole thing but I have over 30 user websites on it and there's no backups yet
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I'm not able to do that over the Forums but you're welcome to submit a ticket and we'd be happy to look!
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[root@server ~]# service cpanel restart
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart cpanel.service
this all that came from running the command0 -
That's normal for that command. Do you see anything helpful in the cPanel logs at /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log?
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iptables -F && /etc/init.d/iptables save
service cpanel restarti just ran this above command and its working now...please can you detect what the error was from this command?
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Yes, that would indicate there was an issue with the firewall on the system and the access the cPanel and WHM ports wasn't working properly.
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hmmm ok....i am happy its fixed would be on the look out for this
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