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Arabic fonts appears in preview but not published



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  I removed the links from your post as we can't share public information on the Forum.

    I'm wondering if this is a local caching issue as I see the same Arabic content on both links you posted.

  • Yasser Kassem

    Sorry for posting the links against the policy.
    The contact is the same you are totally right but the font type is different and this is the main issue. When changing the font type it is not changing on the published website.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Could you post a screenshot specifically where you are seeing the differences?

  • Yasser Kassem

    The first screenshot is the preview from sitejet tool, the second screenshot from the published website, as you may notice there is difference in the font family used for Arabic text

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I'm not sure what would cause that difference.  It would likely be best to create a ticket on this issue and then we could escalate the problem to Sitejet if necessary.

  • Yasser Kassem

    Where I can create a ticket?

    Appreciate your support 

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You can do this from WHM >> Create a Support Ticket if you have root access to the server.  If not, you'd need to speak with your host or datacenter to have them take a look.


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