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Anybody know what the data in /var/lib/csf/stats/system is for?



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey hey!  From the CSF config file itself:

    # This option will gather basic system statstics. Through the UI it displays
    # various graphs for disk, cpu, memory, network, etc usage over 4 intervals:
    #  . Hourly (per minute)
    #  . 24 hours (per minute)
    #  . 7 days (per minute averaged over an hour)
    #  . 30 days (per minute averaged over an hour) - user definable
    # The data is stored in /var/lib/csf/stats/system and the option requires the
    # perl GD::Graph module
    # Note: Disk graphs do not show on Virtuozzo/OpenVZ servers as the kernel on
    # those systems do not store the required information in /proc/diskstats
    # On new installations or when enabling this option it will take time for these
    # graphs to be populated
    ST_SYSTEM = "1"


  • jeffschips

    Thanks cPRex - so the graphic module gathers the stats from all those files.  Would it be safe to delete these files?   I would only miss out on the graphical stats?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I'm not sure - we don't support CSF so I haven't personally used that option.

  • jeffschips

    Thanks I'll try to raise an answer from csf but they are notoriously difficult to get a response from. 

    Appreciate however the information you provided at least I know that directory is for CSF and not Cpanel/WHM data.


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