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Image WebP Conversion and NGINX



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  I don't have an API available on my end for this type of work, but any of the standard tools should work well on a cPanel machine.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Update!  One of our developers noticed this thread and decided it would be a good idea to include this int he product.  We've created case CPANEL-45722 to add .webp files as a conversion option in cPanel >> Images.

  • toplisek

    As it is also important to convert specific folders. Some images should not be converted (logos etc.).

    An example:

    The /themes directory is mapped to /wp-content/themes/ ; this directory works similarly to WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes/' in a self-hosted WordPress installation.

    Media Library Folders in the WordPress dashboard. You’ll now see all the folders inside your WordPress upload directory or unique assets folder. URL needs an option as the WebP files won’t be listed in your Media Library. Use rewrite rules option for WebP display on your site. Both of these options will provide fallback support, so if a visitor is using a browser that doesn’t support WebP images, the optimized JPG or PNG versions will be served instead. 


  • toplisek

    How to set NGINX modules to work Nginx configuration for the specific rewrite rules in place.


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