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upgrading apache 2.2 to 2.4 maually because easyapache won't help



  • mike St

    I think I found items that are a clue in my server but I don't know the best way to execute it.

    So I examined the gz package locally and it contains files and 2 folders. looking at the httpd-2.4 folder in that package, it suggests its the entire apache 2.4 distribution as source. Normally I would run ./configure, make and make install to do that, but what made me hesitant is the cppatch folder containing what I believe patches required to make the package work with cpanel.

    Then I find and downloaded the file which upon inspection suggests to me this is the installer as a perl script I should run to have apache updated.

    Am I right with my theory? if so, how do I execute such a script from a commandline?



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  There is no supported way to get Apache 2.4 working on a server that old.  The packages likely no longer exist from the repositories themselves.  I'm not able to recommend anything on my end as any changes to that system could cause everything to stop working, with no easy way to fix the sites.

    I can only recommend you migrate to a newer system as soon a possible.

  • ffeingol

    It's been a really, really long time since working with EA3, but I think your going to be stuck.  Everything in EA4 is delivered via RPM's.  If your running that old of a server it's prob. CentOS V6 and there won't be any packages for that OS (even if you could get the script to work).  Its prob. time to bite the bullet and migrate to a new server.

  • mike St

    Earlier when I tried upgrading EA3 to EA4 and reverted because I couldn't upgrade, I noticed PHP was missing, so I managed to reinstall that by extracting (that your script downloaded) and running .configure, make and make install.

    I think I can pull off upgrading apache the same way but its a matter of changing a few configuration files, running the patch files somehow because they're probably system command and minor modifications to other files (namely cpanel templates that end in .default and/or .local for apache).

    I understand I may be spending at least an hour to set everything up while potentially causing rolling HTTP server blackouts because to me, changing a whole system hardware, software, and file structure JUST to upgrade apache (when I did it fine on the same system years before when easy apache was working) is just an overkill.

    Also, upgrading an actual server may be a more expensive process as it involves taking the existing server offline and replacing everything with newer hardware and new systems cost more money, something that's hard to come by.


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