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Running python3 script but process being killed before script completes its' task.




  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  I'm not completely sure what this issue is that you're describing.  Is this a custom Python script that you created on the server?  If so, it seems this would be unrelated to the cPanel tools on the machine.  I'm also not sure what you mean by "cPanel database" - is this a database created and owned by a particular cPanel user?

    If so, do you see any errors in the MySQL log file?  That is typically located at /var/log/mysqld.log unless the path has been customized.

  • Bill Fleming

    Hey. Thanks for helping. I suspect the script was ending due to some type of paginating.  It seems that API is paginating the result so the script think it completed all data when there is more so after updating the script to check for paginating then it seems it got all of the data needed. 

    Reason I was posting here because I wasn't sure if there was a setting in WHM that limit the use of python scripts within users account to prevent user abusing the resource etc. That was my first concern and now I think it's the data itself being broken down per page in API so script have to be updated to go through all paginating before ending. 

    Thanks for the help!

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You're very welcome!  And no, I don't know of any limits for that type of script on the WHM side.


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