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Connection closed (user disabled)




  • mtindor

    Log into your cPanel account, navigate to Email Accounts, find the email account in question and "Manage" it.   It probably has a restriction set.

  • Unnamed User

    No. I've already exhausted that step, that's not it.  Besides it is itermitent: one time it works correctly and another time it shows “user disabled”.

    I google this “pop3-login: Disconnected: Connection closed (user disabled)” and find nothing, as if this is something undocumented, strange that I can't find a single result.  

  • mtindor

    I have no idea.  I don't use cPHulk, but if you do maybe that is stopping access with that mesage because of too many simultaneous logins or too many failed authentications.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Is this for a valid email account that exists on your machine?  I have a few of these entries on my personal server, but they look like basic access attempts to email accounts that don't exist.

  • Unnamed User

    I found out that it is a bug in Immunify360.  Thank you for trying to help me.

     resp: '{ "action": "I360_BLOCKED", "message": "[IM360_RBL] The IP 179.x.x.x has been locked due to Imunify RBL" }

    and the result was:

    Aug 27 23:57:32 cp-cl02 dovecot[1301487]: pop3-login: Disconnected: Connection closed (user disabled)

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Oh nice - I didn't even realize that was a feature of Imunify!


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