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Email filters operator precedence



  • Peter Borosnyay

    Do I really have to multiply the last ANDed Filter as many times as there are ORed ones ?

    And what about more complicated expressions ?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  Email filters are read in the order they appear on the page, from top to bottom.  The OR conditions are also read in order the same way. 

  • Peter Borosnyay

    So you say, given the expression :

    Filter1 OR Filter2 AND Filter3

    is interpreted as :

    1. Filter1 is evaluated.
    2. Filter2 is evaluated, and is ORed with Filter1. Let's name this Result1.
    3. Then, Filter3 is evaluated, and is ANDed with Result1.

    So therefore

    Filter1 OR Filter2 AND Filter3 = (Filter1 OR Filter2) AND Filter3
    Filter1 AND Filter2 OR Filter3 = (Filter1 AND Filter2) OR Filter3


    Filter1 OP1 Filter2 OP2 Filter3 ... OPn Filtern
    is equal to
    (((Filter1 OP1 Filter2) OP2 Filter3) ...) OPn Filtern

    Really ?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    I'm not sure what your bottom section means with all the parenthesis, but I agree with everything else, yes.


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