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Performance Issues: php-fpm Overload, Low Memory, Slow Database


1 comment

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  Let's start with this portion of the issue:

    especially slow response times during product edits and searches, and sometimes the server goes down for like 14 minutes. 

    When you say "the server goes down" can you provide more details on what you're seeing?  Is the entire system unreachable (WHM, cPanel, ping, basic DNS functions, etc) or just the website is offline? Knowing that will help get us pointed in the right direction.

    As far as optimizing the machine, you'll have to do a bit more troubleshooting first and find where the problem is.  You can optimize Apache and PHP-FPM, but if the issue is with the database system that isn't going to help.

    I always encourage people to check two things when the system experiences slowness:

    -the output of "apachectl status"
    -the output of "mysqladmin proc status"

    That will show you what the webserver and the database server is doing in real-time during the slow period and should help you get pointed in the right direction.

    We also have a nice guide about troubleshooting load that you may find helpful here:


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