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/tmp partition full of sqlarchive files



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  The ultimate solution is to either figure out what MySQL process is causing these, or change /tmp to be larger to handle the issue.  More details on a similar MySQL operation that leads to a full /tmp can be found here:

    but ultimately this isn't something cPanel has a way to control as this is all handled by the MySQL processes.

  • Unnamed User

    The article you linked mentions files with a different extension. I doubt a user process is creating these files, user accounts don't have access to system /tmp . This is something to do with a process within cPanel.

    If an infinite number of files is being created by something going awry, a larger /tmp partition will not change anything.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Thanks for the additional details.  Unfortunately I'm not seeing any other entries for the string "sqlarchive" in our ticket system, so I don't have much else I can provide at this time.  It might be best if you created a ticket so this system can be examined directly.


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