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EMail going to spam on gmail.



  • mtindor

    Make sure that you have an appropriate SPF record, DKIM signing record and DMARC record published in DNS for your domain.

  • Hatrix Hoster

    mtindor you said it for the each domain hosted in the whm or the main hostname only?

    If its for each domain then I am using nameserver directly and I also checked Email deliverability section of each cpanel and it show correctly configured.

  • mtindor

    For each domain hosted, you really should have an appropriate SPF record in place (that indicates every IP address that might be sending email on behalf of that domain), a DKIM signing key, and more and more these days a DMARC record.

    If it shows everything configured properly under each domain, Email Deliverability section, I"m not sure why all your mail would be going into Google spam folders.

    I will say that emails sent to or forwarded to Gmail have a better chance of ending up in the Inbox versus emails that are POP'd (via Gmail) from the hosting server.   Gmail does a horrible job determining what is/is not spam when it is using POP to retrieve emails from a remote mail server.

    So as much as I dislike email forwards, if a customer wants their emails to also be seen in their Gmail, i suggested to them that they should forward the emails to Gmail rather than setting up the account in Gmail to POP the mail from the hosting server into Gmail.

    If you have access to any of the Gmail accounts in question, you should log into one of them, and view the message source of one of the messages sent from your server to confirm that Gmail is showing that SPF, DKIM and DMARC are passing.


  • Hatrix Hoster

    mtindor Yes all of the domains hosted on different cpanel account have valid email deliverability.

    Also when I checked the in mail in the gmail .


    It shows:

    Message ID <>
    Created at: Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 3:21 PM (Delivered after -11 seconds)
    Subject: hello this is the first test mail from the server to check the ptr record
    SPF: PASS with IP XX.XX.XXX.XXX Learn more
    DKIM: 'PASS' with domain Learn more


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    If the SPF and DKIM validation is passing, you'll likely need to contact Gmail to see why they are moving that message into spam, as those are the main issues that usually cause that behavior.

  • Hatrix Hoster
    • cPRex how can I contact them month ago I have filled up one form stating the issue but still not got any response.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    That part I don't know, unfortunately - we don't have any insider connections there and use the same forms available to you.

  • mtindor

    Gmail and all the other big guys would "like" to see a DMARC policy published.  Even if the policy isn't to quarantine or block anything, at least a plain vanilla DMARC record -- just what would be created by default if you added a DMARC record in the cPanel interface.

    SPF / DKIM / DMARC is your best bet. Then, try to reach out to Google somehow.  Until you are authenticating as much as you can, you shouldn't even bother trying to reach out to them in any way.   That's my take.

  • Hatrix Hoster
    Thank you for response.
    but I am unable to contact google anyhow regard to complain about this issue.
    Do you know about anything that I can do and somehow reach the tech guy at google to look into my issue?
    SPF/DKIM/DMARC all are set. Its not only about the only one domain but the whole or every domain that is hosted on that server.
    I tried making use of cloudflare . tried manageing DNS directly from nameservers too.
    Nothing works even with my all attempts.
  • mtindor

    It sounds like your server IP is on some blacklist that is unknown to you (maybe internal to Google).   I know you used some site to check to see if your server is on a public blackliist.   But check using and see if it indicates any worrisome blocklists that you might be on.

    Otherwise you probably need to get your hosting company involved, as they would likely have to reach out to Google.  I imagine if your single server IP is rated so negatively by Google that everything is going into the Spam folder, the hosting company probably has other IP addresses suffering the same.

    But no, I don't know of anyone to reach out at Google.


    Since about 2020 they locked down the regular form application for delistings and made sure that all sources pointing to the original form are going to a faqs loop

    So the only form I know of that still is operational is this one

    Be sure to have your documentation ready ample proof there is no relay issue header information
    Keep the short summary short and exclude any links in your detailed description or you risk it being blackholed for potential risk malicious content.

    Do not edit the mail headers they have to be exact.

    Do not resubmit if it takes longer to get an answer and worst case your looking at a month of reply time.

    Best of luck.

  • Cleron

    Hatrix Hoster

    It may your server IP or hostname has blacklisted.
    Try here with selecting Blacklist check on (UCEPROTECTL2 & 3)

  • Hatrix Hoster

    Cleron I have found that my hostname has been listed in blacklist for "Spamhaus DBL".
    All other list are fine.

    is it the only one reason because no any of the mail are coming to main inbox. Everything is getting into spam unless I mark the mail id as not a spam.


  • Hatrix Hoster

    Cleron thing to notice,
    I have found only one blacklist with above as provided when I checked for hostname.

    But no any blacklist has been found for ip .

  • Hatrix Hoster

    Another thing to add Cleron,

    When i checked, all of the domain hosted under the same whm using different cpanel are listed under the same blacklist.


    Actually the domain which I am using for my hostname is newly registered, 4-5 days before I use it in WHM server. First I thought its due to domain reputation and waited till that's around 2 month old now.

    but still the same issue I am facing.


    I am using hetzner dedicated server, for this.

    The PTR record value I am using is instead of the default one the default one that hetzner provides that is


    Please someone help me to get it resolved.What should I do next?
    I should try increasing the domain reputation of my hostname or use the default PTR record provided by hetzner.


    Is using default PTR record provided by hetzner will solve this issue?

  • mtindor

    Because of forum rules (not posting certain identifiable information), it makes it very difficult to impossible to help with some things.   I remember back in teh day when people actually posted info / were allowed to post info, and thus got the help they needed pretty quickly.   But I understand why cPanel doesn't want people posting certain data.   It just makes it very hard to help you without knowing the IP Address in question.

  • mtindor

    And who knows if Gmail relies upon Spamhaus info at all.  I don't know if they do or don't.   Over all of the years that Gmail has existed, I haven't specifically seen anything to indicate that they use Spamhaus data for decisionmaking, but they could.

    If you want to send an email to me ( ) from an account on the server whose mails to Gmail usually end up in a Gmail spam folder, go for it and I'll tell you what i think.   If you don't want to do that, then I have no other suggestions.

  • Hatrix Hoster

    mtindor I have sent you the mail providing my details.

    please look into it.

  • mtindor

    I read your email and responded to your email -- waiting for you to respond back.   But thus far everything you've shown me looks to be correct -- and I see no reason thus far why emails from your server to Gmail show up in SPAM folders in Gmail.

    If I didn't say this before, I'll say it now though -- if you (or your customers) forward non-spam to Gmail, it is classified much more accurately as legitimate email and goes to the Inbox -- compared to setting up a POP account in Gmail to retrieve mail from the cPanel server.  If your customers are setting up POP accounts in Gmail to pull their email from your server into Gmail, expect all sorts of wonkiness -- meaning you should expect to see a lot of misclassified email.   For years now (and maybe forever) Gmail hasn't been able to accurately classify emails that it pulls in over POP3.  At least that has been my experience.    But legitimate (non-spam) emails being forwarder from a cPanel server to Gmail should show up in the Inbox.

  • ReFresh

    Ive been racking my brain and fighting back and forth with google over this same issue. Even Google acknowledges that all my server settings are correct. Ive been using WHM/Cpanel and Google Workspace for over a decade with this domain and it just started happening about 4-6months ago. No black lists & headers all pass. 


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