Autossl queue error is in error
We've just moved some hosting accounts from a very old server (v.86) to an almost new server (110). We keep getting a pending SSL queue error for one of the accounts:
“SSL Pending Queue” failed because of an error.
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/process_ssl_pending_queue encountered an error: (XID ssqthe) Provide the “order_item_id” parameter for the “Cpanel::Market::Provider::cPStore::get_certificate_if_available” function.
The system generated this notice on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 4:17:02 PM UTC.
You can disable the “Uncategorized Notifications” type of notification through the cPanel interface: https://DOMAIN.TLD:2083/?goto_app=ContactInfo_Change
Do not reply to this automated message.
All Sectigo certs have been installed on all hostnames; no other domains are having this issue. There is no pending queue, and checking autossl results in success.
Any idea what the problem is and how to correct it?
Hey there! Can you switch to Let's Encrypt and see if that resolves the issue?
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Done. Ran autossl check on affected account, shows let's encrypt certs installed.
Still getting the alert.
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If everything is working properly, the queue likely got odd requests during the migration process. I would just clear out the queue using the commands here:
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Removed file, reran autossl, file did not recreate.
[ Wed Oct 16 10:41:33 ]
[ root@cp4 ~># ls -l /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite
-rw------- 1 root root 53248 Oct 16 08:45 /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite
[ Wed Oct 16 11:33:12 ]
[ root@cp4 ~># cp /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite.old
[ Wed Oct 16 11:33:37 ]
[ root@cp4 ~># rm /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite
rm: remove regular file ‘/var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite’? y
[ Wed Oct 16 11:39:52 ]
[ root@cp4 ~># ls -l /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite
ls: cannot access /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite: No such file or directory0 -
Tried this, we'll see:
[ Wed Oct 16 11:40:30 ]
[ root@cp4 ~># touch /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite
[ Wed Oct 16 11:44:10 ]
[ root@cp4 ~># ls -l /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 16 11:44 /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite
[ Wed Oct 16 11:44:13 ]
[ root@cp4 ~># chmod 600 /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite
[ Wed Oct 16 11:44:29 ]
[ root@cp4 ~># ls -l /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Oct 16 11:44 /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite0 -
Nope, still getting the error alert after re-running autossl, and file isn't updating:
[ Wed Oct 16 11:46:42 ]
[ root@cp4 ~># ls -l /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqlite
-rw------- 1 root root 0 Oct 16 11:44 /var/cpanel/autossl_queue_cpanel.sqliteShould we open a ticket?
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Yes, at this point I'd open a ticket.
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Great - I'm following along with that now!
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The issue was a cron job somebody had initiated on the old server for some reason that was checking the queue:
[14:38:54 cp4 root@95384493 ~]cPs# crontab -u user -l
2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57 * * * * /usr/local/cpanel/bin/process_ssl_pending_queueRemoved the file, no more alerts.
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