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Anyone know what /tmp/watch-install-progress does?




  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  Is this a new installation?  Normally that gets removed after a successful install, but it may not have happened for some reason.  I'm guessing you're also the other poster from today here?

    You are free to delete that file from the system as it isn't used for anything after the initial install.

  • CourseVector

    You are correct, i did post over there too. That person was the only other result I saw when I searched.

    It was a fresh install in fall/winter of 2023. We were migrating accounts from centos 7 to almalinux 8. For whatever reason we we missing those notifications until recently and when I saw them i wasn't sure what to make of it so i figured I'd ask. I'll go ahead and delete that file then, thanks for confirming!

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You're very welcome!


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