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WordPress Install



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  When you say "add a new user" can you be more specific about the process you're trying to complete?  That would tell me what error log you'll want to check on the system.

  • Can Yayo

    maybe this help to find your problem--> define('WP_DEBUG', true); to your wp-config.php file. This will provide more information about the error.


    We do not use WP Toolkit ourselves but do maintain a couple of hundreds of WordPress environments. From our experience, If any of your PHP values are too high, it can cause issues, ironically.

    We once had a very complex WordPress shop we had to export its products from by plugin, so we set its limit to 4 GB of memory per script, and the site instantly crashed. When we lowered its limit to under 2 GB, the site came back online.

    We had another issue where the max_input_vars was not getting fully recognized on a short notation as 3G instead of 3000, making it impossible to use the media library. WordPress is very finicky on these matters, so do not expect a reliable or intelligent error message when it does happen.

    To build on what Can Yayo suggested, try the following in addition on a second line below the first suggestion:

    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

    It will log the information to /wp-content/debug.log

    Be absolutely sure to set both lines to false when you are done with your troubleshooting, and delete the log when done to avoid a potential security risk..

    I would personally, in your situation, set up a new environment and manually replace the WordPress core files to exclude a deployment issue from wp-toolkit itself. Navigate to the test site with File Manager or FTP. Delete everything except for your .htaccess file, wp-config.php file and wp-content folder, then get a new download from upload it, extract it, move all files in the WordPress directory up by one directory, and refresh a browser page.

    If that works, it most likely is happening during deployment; if not, then I would focus on PHP values and suggest setting them all to default for that specific account and see if that helps.


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