WordPress Install
I have installed WordPress using WP Toolkit. Even with a blank install when I try adding a new user I get a critical error. PHP is the latest version, memory limit is set high, it's no different to sites installed previously, but this time it's not working properly.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? It's a brand new install, with the default theme and no plugins installed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hey there! When you say "add a new user" can you be more specific about the process you're trying to complete? That would tell me what error log you'll want to check on the system.
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maybe this help to find your problem--> define('WP_DEBUG', true);
to yourwp-config.php
file. This will provide more information about the error.0 -
We do not use WP Toolkit ourselves but do maintain a couple of hundreds of WordPress environments. From our experience, If any of your PHP values are too high, it can cause issues, ironically.
We once had a very complex WordPress shop we had to export its products from by plugin, so we set its limit to 4 GB of memory per script, and the site instantly crashed. When we lowered its limit to under 2 GB, the site came back online.
We had another issue where the max_input_vars was not getting fully recognized on a short notation as 3G instead of 3000, making it impossible to use the media library. WordPress is very finicky on these matters, so do not expect a reliable or intelligent error message when it does happen.
To build on what Can Yayo suggested, try the following in addition on a second line below the first suggestion:
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
It will log the information to /wp-content/debug.log
Be absolutely sure to set both lines to false when you are done with your troubleshooting, and delete the log when done to avoid a potential security risk..
I would personally, in your situation, set up a new environment and manually replace the WordPress core files to exclude a deployment issue from wp-toolkit itself. Navigate to the test site with File Manager or FTP. Delete everything except for your .htaccess file, wp-config.php file and wp-content folder, then get a new download from wordPress.org upload it, extract it, move all files in the WordPress directory up by one directory, and refresh a browser page.
If that works, it most likely is happening during deployment; if not, then I would focus on PHP values and suggest setting them all to default for that specific account and see if that helps.0
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