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Help with cPanel JRE Installation with Tomcat webserver



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Hey there!  Unfortunately there isn't much we'll be able to do on our side for this issue as you're in a shared hosting environment without root access to the machine (unless I'm misreading your hosting settings).  The best thing to do in this case would be to reach out to the host themselves and have them check the settings on your account to see if everything necessary is installed on the parent server in order for this to work properly.

  • Jim Rota

    We have root access and can run any command(s) required.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Alright - that'll be helpful!

    The only supported way to get Tomcat working in a cPanel environment is through our guide here:

    Have you tried working through that and using the container system outlined there?

  • Jim Rota

    Yes. Thank you. That seems to be what caused the problem.

    I (client account) tried to run the ea4 via cPanel terminal and was told that I "did not have root permission" and that "this has been reported", but that it proceeded to do a partial (incomplete) ea4 implementation of tomcat which only sort of worked.

    Now that we (client account + hosting provider account with root), you are suggesting that it is my hosting provider (with root access) who must follow the ea4 installation instructions you link to.

    Are we correct?

    Thank you in advance!

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Yes that's exactly correct, and why I was concerned that not having root on the system may lead to you not being able to implement this tool properly.

  • Jim Rota

    Thank you. So nice to have some guidance!

    My hosting provider says that he also (after my attempt) did all of the instructions for ea4 and yet it (tomcat) is not working correctly. He also states "It seems to be we just need further clarification how to allow your account to interact with /opt/cpanel/ea-tomcat101/".

    I am guessing that my partial install created an httpd instance on a particular port that is now blocking any httpd updates that he might try.

    Any suggestions are very much appreciated.


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    At this point we'd likely need to see a ticket from the host - I'd hate to recommend something that could damage the system and leave things in a non-working state.


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