How can I remove this 360 monitoring stuff?
How can I remove this plugin from my servers? It's not good to have it installed without asking.
Hey hey! Do you see that tool listed in WHM >> Manage Plugins? If so, you can remove it from that page.
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Hello Rex!
In this case is an DNS ONLY server, so there is no Manage Plugins options in WHM.
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I see it in WHM -> Plugins -> Server Monitoring in a DNSONLY server, not in any other servers.
"WebPros International, LLC currently provides this feature in a limited release, with plans to expand its availability in future updates."0 -
You should have that option like quietFinn said. If not, we may need to see a ticket on this one.
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Yes, I do see the option to use server monitoring plugin. But not the option to manage plugins and uninstall it.
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Okay - I did some homework on this as I actually hadn't come across this specific page yet.
Starting in version 122 we have released Server Monitoring into WHM. This is *not* a third-party plugin on your system that you can remove, but is a core feature of the WHM system. You can find more details on this here:
and that is what quietFinn linked and quoted earlier.
Now - in your screenshot there is an additional "sign up" button that you could click to sign up for even more tools through the 360 Monitoring platform. Since that button exists, that confirms that you haven't signed up for anything yet.
So at this point, you're all good and just seeing a new feature we've added.
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There should be a way to remove it since it consumes resources with a process called "AGENT 360" that runs all the time. Especially on a server with very limited resources like the one we use where this new feature appeared, which is very basic and only seems to be an attempt at cross-selling.
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Just to illustrate my point.
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The TOP process on our server is precisely the plugin that was installed without authorization. Graphic courtesy of the plugin itself.
Maybe a good idea is to give us the possibility to disable that daemon from the Service Manager like any other service.
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In a DNSONLY server you can disable mysqld and p0f.
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There is a command line tool to disable the agent360 system, which you can call by running this command:
Let me know if that doesn't perform how you expect!
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I heard from the development team this morning and they are planning to add an easier tool to disable this service in the future that won't require running something on the command line.
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it would be really nice to have. This morning after this email the service came back to life and I have to disable it again.
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Benito - I'm still looking into this for you and I hope to have more details soon.
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At this point the team is requesting a ticket be submitted as we aren't able to get that to reappear on our side through any automated means, like a forced upcp.
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Hi! cPRex No problem, I'll open the ticket. Do you think I should wait to open the ticket until the process starts running again?
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That would probably make the most sense, but whenever it is convenient for you!
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The team has created case DUCKS-21 to add an enable/disable option directly to the WHM interface. I'm not sure when it's going to happen, but it's happening! So we'll have an *official* option that doesn't get overwritten by updates.
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Thanks cPRex, that's good to know. So far, the process hasn't come back.
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Does 360 monitor collect user data like IP addresses? Where is option to remove it? EU laws.
# /etc/agent360.ini
enabled=yes,,fks.360monitoring.ioUninstalling 360 Monitoring
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studiofaca - I don't know that one off the top of my head so I've reached out to the 360 team and I'll let you know what I find out!
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I just wanted to let you know I hadn't heard back yet, but I figured I may not with the time zone differences. I'll let you know as soon as I have an update.
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Since you mentioned EU laws, the team is hesitant to have me post an official reply, and would like you to send an email with the specific request to so they can provide an official response to your request.
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Since this is the only thread I see on this new feature, I'll ask here... (feel free to split it off if you want)
What account do we get free with our cPanel license? It appears to be Lite, but here's what is odd. It showed up on both my DNSOnly servers, so I connected one of them, then went to connect the second with the same email, but nope! Instead of using a different email address, I created a 360Monitoring account and logged in with it. Now both servers show up in that account. Neat, but the account info says I'm using 2 or 1 servers! Mind you, they are both working/monitoring.
What's the deal you have set up for us with 360Monitoring? (I DON'T want to hear that we need to make a separate account for each server!)
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I'm not sure what you mean by "account" type in this situation. The tool in cPanel is free and completely separate from any of the paid 360 Monitoring services that can be purchased elsewhere, so there isn't going to be a direct equivalent as far as I understand it.
Can you get me more details wen you said you tried to connect another server with the same email? I'm not entirely sure what areas of the interface you're referring to with that.
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cPRex Let me rephrase... I assumed the free tool would allow us to use it as needed. What I see is that once you connect a server via a certain email address, that address can't be used to connect another server (because the first server used that address to create an account, apparently). So instead, you can log into that account (via the same email) on the second server. So far, so good... but then in the account (where now both servers are seen) It tells me only 5 websites can be monitored, and only one server can be connected (there in fact 2 ARE connected and being monitored). See screenshot. Setting up a blocklist check failed (error 400). Haven' tried other tools.
So I went to their website, and these seem to be the limits for a Lite account. Hence I asked about which account we get. It would not be fun to have to use many account/email addresses to get around limitations!
I'm wondering is it's glitch, or if the limitations simply aren't enforced for us.
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Hi, I assumed we only had access to the lite plan with all its limitations and the three CPU graphs that appear in WHM, that's why I wanted to uninstall it from day one.
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# /var/cpanel/plugins/monitoring-agent/
-bash: /var/cpanel/plugins/monitoring-agent/ Permission denied0 -
This is *not* a third-party plugin on your system that you can remove
Does mean 360 monitor is 100% in cPanel property?
... you to send an email with the specific request to
Plesk? What have cPanel with competition Plesk? Does cPanel bought Plesk?
Please has uninstall instructions.
Is it will work with WHM?
We are asking to add option to un-install this plugin from WHM!
Please check:
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